
Sad stuff. He's an incredible guitar player, just give Last Train to Clarksville a listen.

I wanted to see Tim Gunn get goofed up on peyote and run around Taos in buckskin.

Yeah! Jumpsuits and jet packs for everyone!

Yay! Their new EPs have been sounding terrific, this bodes very well for the new album. If they're playing near you, GO SEE THEM. They're wonderfully fun, energetic and goofy performers with a low-hi-tech stage presentation. Does anyone know if Steve Albini produced the whole album?

I couldn't agree more. I want to try this gizmo out. Now I just need to write a song that comes in under 2 minutes.

Such a well-informed opinion. I believe that this absolutely rocks.

I'm just gonna say that I don't dig on everything the Lips do, but bless their hearts for still experimenting and pushing their art. It says a lot about them. They could have easily done another pop album with another audience friendly clone of "Do You Realize?" but instead they've been doing some whack shit over the

I don't think they could ever recapture the lighting in the bottle that is Fever to Tell. That was recorded in a perfect place and time when everything was gelling for the band. They had the songs, the spark, the energy. With that said, I do like that the YYYs have evolved and grown.

I feel sorry for the poor sap who had to confirm that it was indeed pubic hair in the razor.

I have to strongly disagree with the Easy Rider LSD scene. I felt it was completely inaccurate and quite cliched. I can only speak from my own experiences but I found it quite silly.

That song's been on fairly heavy rotation on Sirius XM and I'm digging it. Plus it has a cool, Velvet Underground sound to it.

I don't believe that labeling Parts Unknown as nothing more than a rebranded No Reservations is fair. Seemed to me that Bourdain showed more local color, culture and discussed the brutal politics of Myanmar more so than he would have on No Reservations. Sure, he still had plenty of exotic food porn, but it seemed to

Are you hinting that perhaps the Doctor will go back in time and save Falco from his tragic motorcycle accident in a future episode?

Happy trails, Mr. Tobias. Whenever I feel seething rage seeing an improperly set up t.v., I'll think of you.

VERY meta.

Since I already lost my faith in humanity years ago, do I still have to watch this show? Hope not.

Beautiful article, Mr. Tobias.

Perhaps it's just me, but Fallon has always reminded me of a slightly mentally slow kid that would sit in the back of an 8th grade classroom and snicker at anything and everything.

I thought that he meant Leno and Conan merged together in a horrific science experiment gone wrong! All wrong! Why must you evil scientists play God?!? Whhyyyyy???

Agreed. Personally, I feel the Maggs season was the best so far. Still, this rocked!