
That moment made the entire episode for me.

I've been thinking the same thing about Oswalt.

Ahhhh, Devo…one of my all-time fave bands. Thank you for making my day, AV Club.

Agreed. There's several places in Chicago that feature the communal thing. Since my wife and I pretty much hate most people, it's not for us.

I'd say those opening credits are still pretty damn killer and hold up quite well…except the schematic for the bionic eye is HUGE. How could he hold his head up with all that stuff in his noggin?!?

It was totally riffing on the series. Hell, Sasquatch's companion was a dead-on Steve Austin!

:: Sheepishly raises hand ::

A space capsule made out of a cement mixer, sure it'll work! Loved that show.

Oh he was a "sleeper" all right…as in he seemed perpetually to have just woken up from a nap.

I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I couldn't stand Sheldon. There was something about his dim/borderline mentally challenged demeanor (others considered it "laid back") that just rubbed me wrong. His stupid, red hat affection was only one step above Josie's intolerable Chef Josie headbands. Just sayin'.

I know back in the 80's, the Chicago scene had quite a few of the peaceful, anti-nazi skinheads. I recall one of them was also a helluva skater.

Not sure about Southie nazis, but I know I hate Illinois nazis.

Just tell people that you're orthodox. Works for me.

Agreed, they had way more wacky, diverse and subversive stuff to show. Friday Night Videos was always a freak-fest. I recall they devoted almost an entire show to The Residents once.

Good gawd our MV3 experiences are nearly identical. We didn't have cable either, so MV3 was literally the poor man's alternative to MTV. Gotta admit to having a lot of Ant love. A truly guilty pleasure.

So you're saying that this performance was less about the Lupe and more about the Fiasco, amirite?

Oprah "needled" him. Nice touch.

He looks like FDR's mentally challenged identical twin.

Thank you AV Club. This is a series that I return to about once or twice a year to get a good chuckle. Comedy gold. Some of the episodes are weaker than others, but they all have great moments.

That ancient skit was the first thing that entered my mind when reading the article.