
Stay far, far away from The Killing. Do not turn your back on The Killing and don't make eye contact. Do not corner The Killing because it might feel threatened and attack.

Now here's someone who knows about the true meaning of Christmas.

Now here's someone who knows about the true meaning of Christmas.

Yup. I'm convinced that Beiber is all smooth down there. Like a vintage G.I. Joe or a Ken doll. Just a little pin-hole for the pee-pee to come out of.

Yup. I'm convinced that Beiber is all smooth down there. Like a vintage G.I. Joe or a Ken doll. Just a little pin-hole for the pee-pee to come out of.

Yes, but his room was a SUITE.

Yes, but his room was a SUITE.

Dammit. The moment I heard that The Hobbit would get padded out to three films, I knew it was a bad idea. It's such a fun, breezy adventure story and could so easily be condensed into a single, 2-3 hour long film. But noooooooo, let's pad it out with superfluous crap. Boooo Peter Jackson!

Dammit. The moment I heard that The Hobbit would get padded out to three films, I knew it was a bad idea. It's such a fun, breezy adventure story and could so easily be condensed into a single, 2-3 hour long film. But noooooooo, let's pad it out with superfluous crap. Boooo Peter Jackson!

Yes, please.

Yes, please.

My third eye weeps for him. Happy trails, Mr. Shankar. A helluva musician and humanitarian.

My third eye weeps for him. Happy trails, Mr. Shankar. A helluva musician and humanitarian.

Oh goody, Zack Snyder. We'll get to see plenty of super-superfluous slow motion. Between him and Nolan the final cut will clock out in the neighborhood of 6 hours.

Oh goody, Zack Snyder. We'll get to see plenty of super-superfluous slow motion. Between him and Nolan the final cut will clock out in the neighborhood of 6 hours.

I finally got around to watching TDKR this weekend and it was fine. Entertaining enough. Yes, some plot holes were a bit distracting despite the level of disbelief required to watch a superhero film to begin with, but that's just me.

I finally got around to watching TDKR this weekend and it was fine. Entertaining enough. Yes, some plot holes were a bit distracting despite the level of disbelief required to watch a superhero film to begin with, but that's just me.

The "D" is silent, BTW.

The "D" is silent, BTW.

What can I say, I had an off day.