
What can I say, I had an off day.

I always knew that Justified would be way better with the edition of snake handlers.

I always knew that Justified would be way better with the edition of snake handlers.

If it's true to the book, does that mean that it's long sequences of insufferable narrative with all-too-brief and fairly standard BDSM sex scenes?

If it's true to the book, does that mean that it's long sequences of insufferable narrative with all-too-brief and fairly standard BDSM sex scenes?

The Stonecutter's song alone makes it a favorite… plus Patrick Stewart.

The Stonecutter's song alone makes it a favorite… plus Patrick Stewart.



I choo-choo chooooose you.

I choo-choo chooooose you.

I drank a bottle of Wild Turkey and threw up all over my in-laws.

I drank a bottle of Wild Turkey and threw up all over my in-laws.

A spinoff like Vader and the Emperor are wacky, mismatched roommates? Vader's a neat freak and the Emperor is sloppy, hilarity ensues.

A spinoff like Vader and the Emperor are wacky, mismatched roommates? Vader's a neat freak and the Emperor is sloppy, hilarity ensues.

The joys of royalty-free stock photography.

The joys of royalty-free stock photography.

Finally, some very good news on a very crappy day. Thanks AV Club!

Finally, some very good news on a very crappy day. Thanks AV Club!

Warren Ellis is Rasputin.