
Yeah, very good point.

Sorry, but I have to disagree about Diamonds Are Forever. Just for Mr. Kidd and Mr. Wint…and Jill St. John in various states of undress. Plus it's Connery and in my book that gives it middle tier status.

Sorry, but I have to disagree about Diamonds Are Forever. Just for Mr. Kidd and Mr. Wint…and Jill St. John in various states of undress. Plus it's Connery and in my book that gives it middle tier status.

Huge Bond fan and caught a few Bond flicks on BBC America over the weekend. Haven't seen The Living Daylights in a looooong time and was surprised how MOST of it held up…gets off the rails a bit at the end, but oh well. Dalton brought a nice gravitas to the role, but methinks he was a  bit too pretty for Bond. I also

Huge Bond fan and caught a few Bond flicks on BBC America over the weekend. Haven't seen The Living Daylights in a looooong time and was surprised how MOST of it held up…gets off the rails a bit at the end, but oh well. Dalton brought a nice gravitas to the role, but methinks he was a  bit too pretty for Bond. I also

That would actually be "I musht beh dreamhing."

That would actually be "I musht beh dreamhing."

So you're saying Die Another Day is what finally sent Zevon to his grave?

So you're saying Die Another Day is what finally sent Zevon to his grave?

I would very much like to see more of Blue Jay Leno gimmick posts.

I would very much like to see more of Blue Jay Leno gimmick posts.

Indeed. Still, I can't wait to see what sort of ridiculous gimmicks the "legitimate" news outlets are going to unleash election night.

Indeed. Still, I can't wait to see what sort of ridiculous gimmicks the "legitimate" news outlets are going to unleash election night.

Reading that sort of nonsense, and the overwhelming support such nonsense receives, depresses the hell out of me. The current crop of the lunatic right-wing fringe has established a whole new definition of "low-information" voter. Agreed about The Daily Show and Colbert, my outlook would be much bleaker without them.

Reading that sort of nonsense, and the overwhelming support such nonsense receives, depresses the hell out of me. The current crop of the lunatic right-wing fringe has established a whole new definition of "low-information" voter. Agreed about The Daily Show and Colbert, my outlook would be much bleaker without them.

Considering they probably work 80 hour weeks when they are airing new episodes, I say they deserve the time off. Writing and producing a daily satirical show that depends on our 24 hour news cycle can't be easy.

Considering they probably work 80 hour weeks when they are airing new episodes, I say they deserve the time off. Writing and producing a daily satirical show that depends on our 24 hour news cycle can't be easy.

Geek heaven. Love it.

Geek heaven. Love it.

Basically the first-ever skateboard superteam. These guys inspired and motivated me back in the day. I was a huge Lance Mountain and Steve Caballero fan. I can also blame them for my messed up feet (too many broken bones) and my torqued back. Really looking forward to seeing this.