
Basically the first-ever skateboard superteam. These guys inspired and motivated me back in the day. I was a huge Lance Mountain and Steve Caballero fan. I can also blame them for my messed up feet (too many broken bones) and my torqued back. Really looking forward to seeing this.

Bankrupt and Sick will be the perfect title for the next Cat Power album.

Bankrupt and Sick will be the perfect title for the next Cat Power album.

I believe that was a Dick Clark produced, made for t.v. movie about the Beatles' early years.

I believe that was a Dick Clark produced, made for t.v. movie about the Beatles' early years.

The Carrie Fisher video was shot on green screen and the dog was CGI. 

The Carrie Fisher video was shot on green screen and the dog was CGI. 

True dat. One of my best friends in high school had a family that was made up entirely of fundamentalists…to this day I don't understand how he managed to avoid the trappings of that existence. I remember having to endure his mom always rambling about the latest Satanic threat to society. What a sad and scary way to

True dat. One of my best friends in high school had a family that was made up entirely of fundamentalists…to this day I don't understand how he managed to avoid the trappings of that existence. I remember having to endure his mom always rambling about the latest Satanic threat to society. What a sad and scary way to

Yeah, great point…funny that I've seen the movie about 4-5 times and yet it never dawned on me that Polanski was dropping hints all along…building up the big, terrible reveal. That's the thing about the movie, I know what's going to happen next but it still has the same effect on me as the first time I saw it.

Yeah, great point…funny that I've seen the movie about 4-5 times and yet it never dawned on me that Polanski was dropping hints all along…building up the big, terrible reveal. That's the thing about the movie, I know what's going to happen next but it still has the same effect on me as the first time I saw it.

It helps that Sin City was already story boarded out in the graphic novel. I don't give Frank Miller much credit nowadays, but his cinematic comic book style translates well to movies…at least visually.

It helps that Sin City was already story boarded out in the graphic novel. I don't give Frank Miller much credit nowadays, but his cinematic comic book style translates well to movies…at least visually.

Rosemary's Baby unsettles me in a very deep and dark way. There's a sense of dread that's palpable pretty much from the first frame and that dread builds throughout the film. The genius of the movie is that it's mostly psychological…the horror is implied more than graphically shown. That then augers into your brain

Rosemary's Baby unsettles me in a very deep and dark way. There's a sense of dread that's palpable pretty much from the first frame and that dread builds throughout the film. The genius of the movie is that it's mostly psychological…the horror is implied more than graphically shown. That then augers into your brain

Personally, I think it's a little of both. Politically, that type of nonsense is great at manipulating the (ahem) easily manipulated. Give them a new boogey-man that only fine, upstanding evangelical Christian politicians can protect you from. I believe there's definitely some cynical exploitation that goes on behind

Personally, I think it's a little of both. Politically, that type of nonsense is great at manipulating the (ahem) easily manipulated. Give them a new boogey-man that only fine, upstanding evangelical Christian politicians can protect you from. I believe there's definitely some cynical exploitation that goes on behind

I heard Mickey's become an eccentric recluse, saving jars of his urine and growing out his hair and fingernails.

I heard Mickey's become an eccentric recluse, saving jars of his urine and growing out his hair and fingernails.

Saw part of Letterman's show and really loved it. It took me back to the days of his early, super-weird morning show that didn't last very long. And to echo another post here, yeah Leno would never do something that ballsy.