
His mustache has it's own Facebook page.

I would have preferred The Killers film a documentary about Herzog.

I would have preferred The Killers film a documentary about Herzog.

His mention of Shogun made me realize that it's been many, many years since I last saw it. The series fascinated me as a kid. Can anyone tell me if it still holds up or not?

His mention of Shogun made me realize that it's been many, many years since I last saw it. The series fascinated me as a kid. Can anyone tell me if it still holds up or not?

RoboCRAP is more like it. Amirite?

RoboCRAP is more like it. Amirite?

Better yet, a tuxedo t-shirt. It shows that you're formal, but ready to party.

Better yet, a tuxedo t-shirt. It shows that you're formal, but ready to party.

Since it's a dark, gritty reboot, would his battle cry change to "Spork?" Since you know, sporks are a bit more pointy and dangerous than a spoon.

Since it's a dark, gritty reboot, would his battle cry change to "Spork?" Since you know, sporks are a bit more pointy and dangerous than a spoon.

Let's all drop our E strings down to D once again.

Let's all drop our E strings down to D once again.

I can imagine Hitler, Goebbels, Goering and Himmler running madcap through the streets of Berlin as hundreds of young German girls chase after them.

I can imagine Hitler, Goebbels, Goering and Himmler running madcap through the streets of Berlin as hundreds of young German girls chase after them.

I always thought the Yeah Yeah Yeahs could do up a good Bond theme.

I always thought the Yeah Yeah Yeahs could do up a good Bond theme.

Haw haw, it's funny 'cause she's fat!

Haw haw, it's funny 'cause she's fat!

McD should be directing half hour infomercials, fucking hack.