
Dwight wakes up and it was all a dream.

John Smith

John Smith

That robot looks less menacing and more like it's put off because it can't find the Orange Julius. "I SWEAR it was right by Old Navy."

That robot looks less menacing and more like it's put off because it can't find the Orange Julius. "I SWEAR it was right by Old Navy."

I was going to write a post about my experience living in a Ukrainian neighborhood and what terrible people they seemed to be, but you beat me to it. "Humorless asshole" pretty much sums it up. I lived there for 10 years and everyone I encountered who were Ukrainian immigrants were mean, bitter, angry people. Lots of

I was going to write a post about my experience living in a Ukrainian neighborhood and what terrible people they seemed to be, but you beat me to it. "Humorless asshole" pretty much sums it up. I lived there for 10 years and everyone I encountered who were Ukrainian immigrants were mean, bitter, angry people. Lots of

Dear America, you officially suck now and the next generation is going to make it even suckier. I don't know who's worse. Parents posting this type of crap online, or kids that are already a bit too old to have such cry-baby breakdowns. I've seen the future of our country, and it doesn't look too good.

Dear America, you officially suck now and the next generation is going to make it even suckier. I don't know who's worse. Parents posting this type of crap online, or kids that are already a bit too old to have such cry-baby breakdowns. I've seen the future of our country, and it doesn't look too good.

Finally, the Community/Caligula crossover we've all been hoping and praying for!

Finally, the Community/Caligula crossover we've all been hoping and praying for!

Love the mention of the collaboration between Brain Eno and Talking Heads. The evolution of their sound over the course of only 4 albums is stunning, to say the least. I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall when Adrian Belew laid down his guitar parts.

Love the mention of the collaboration between Brain Eno and Talking Heads. The evolution of their sound over the course of only 4 albums is stunning, to say the least. I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall when Adrian Belew laid down his guitar parts.

Meh. Just my opinion, but Scott's directing was elevated by a great script and not the other way around. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun movie, but I don't think his directorial style is the reason.

Meh. Just my opinion, but Scott's directing was elevated by a great script and not the other way around. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun movie, but I don't think his directorial style is the reason.

I can only speak for myself, but I can say with supreme confidence that I never did like Limp Bizkit. EVER.

I can only speak for myself, but I can say with supreme confidence that I never did like Limp Bizkit. EVER.

So let me get this straight, this guy played Jonthan  on Buffy?

So let me get this straight, this guy played Jonthan  on Buffy?

Now you've done it, Jason. I bet members of the COS are rifling through your garbage at this very moment.