
Now you've done it, Jason. I bet members of the COS are rifling through your garbage at this very moment.

That is one helluva rimshot. A rimshot of the gods, if you will.

That is one helluva rimshot. A rimshot of the gods, if you will.

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

After I saw it as a kid, I was terrified to swim in Lake Michigan. Bravo Spielberg. It didn't matter that it was an inland body of fresh water, there could be sharks in it!

After I saw it as a kid, I was terrified to swim in Lake Michigan. Bravo Spielberg. It didn't matter that it was an inland body of fresh water, there could be sharks in it!

I'd prefer the Emerald Ash Borer. Much more nasty…the film would then have a nice, disturbing, David Lynch vibe to it.

I'd prefer the Emerald Ash Borer. Much more nasty…the film would then have a nice, disturbing, David Lynch vibe to it.

I was going to ask if she had a masturbation scene. Probably we'll both get our wishes granted in the European release.

I was going to ask if she had a masturbation scene. Probably we'll both get our wishes granted in the European release.

They are both fabulous  movies. Now I wanna see them back to back like Neckbeard. 

They are both fabulous  movies. Now I wanna see them back to back like Neckbeard. 

I dunno about that. Last week's episode was pretty flawed, IMHO. Hey guys, let's talk about Charleston in front of the harnessed little girl. Great idea!

I dunno about that. Last week's episode was pretty flawed, IMHO. Hey guys, let's talk about Charleston in front of the harnessed little girl. Great idea!

:: pushes t.v. set out of thatch hut ::

:: pushes t.v. set out of thatch hut ::

My wife loves the original Charlie's Angels t.v. series and she dragged me to see the first movie. Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to the experience. I was hooked after the exciting cold open (and hey, L.L. Cool J), completely improbable escape from the plane, and then the gratuitous slo-mo as Lucy Liu takes

My wife loves the original Charlie's Angels t.v. series and she dragged me to see the first movie. Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to the experience. I was hooked after the exciting cold open (and hey, L.L. Cool J), completely improbable escape from the plane, and then the gratuitous slo-mo as Lucy Liu takes

You're one harsh s.o.b.