
All one has to do is listen to Rain and realize how brilliant Ringo is. Or the INCREDIBLE time keeping on Come Together.

I disagree. It's not a direct diss on The Beatles, but more about an individual who's stuck in a certain time and place and can't move on. There's still plenty of Boomers out there who can't get past that period of time musically.

I disagree. It's not a direct diss on The Beatles, but more about an individual who's stuck in a certain time and place and can't move on. There's still plenty of Boomers out there who can't get past that period of time musically.

I'm definitely in the "first few seasons were brilliant, but it went off the rails" camp. I so loved this show when it first came out, but to me the series went on for too long and things just got goofy and soap opera-y.

I'm definitely in the "first few seasons were brilliant, but it went off the rails" camp. I so loved this show when it first came out, but to me the series went on for too long and things just got goofy and soap opera-y.

Well, not sure about the drugs in question being "hard" drugs. Mostly it's marijuana and various hallucinogens.

Well, not sure about the drugs in question being "hard" drugs. Mostly it's marijuana and various hallucinogens.

And here I thought this was just an hour of Patton slapping around soldiers for being "yellow."

And here I thought this was just an hour of Patton slapping around soldiers for being "yellow."

I remember renting this video when it first came out with one of my art school friends. All we knew is that it was a bizarre black comedy. Took it to my parent's house to watch and my mom decided to sit in with us because she "Loves vampire movies." Heh, heh, heh. Little did she know what was in store for her. I think

I remember renting this video when it first came out with one of my art school friends. All we knew is that it was a bizarre black comedy. Took it to my parent's house to watch and my mom decided to sit in with us because she "Loves vampire movies." Heh, heh, heh. Little did she know what was in store for her. I think

My favorite part of the movie.

My favorite part of the movie.

Elizabeth Pena was much hotter, IMHO.

Elizabeth Pena was much hotter, IMHO.

Agreed that his work with Gainsbourg is pretty stellar and slumming it doing the Sex B-Bomb stuff was as loose and goofy as his early work. With those elements and his record club project, I'm really, really hoping this album marks a big comeback for him.

Agreed that his work with Gainsbourg is pretty stellar and slumming it doing the Sex B-Bomb stuff was as loose and goofy as his early work. With those elements and his record club project, I'm really, really hoping this album marks a big comeback for him.

Love the wine analogy. Yeah, don't get me wrong, all of his albums have some good work on them, but the quality has gotten uneven. I read somewhere that post Sea Change is when he got swallowed up by Scientology, but I don't know how true that is.

Love the wine analogy. Yeah, don't get me wrong, all of his albums have some good work on them, but the quality has gotten uneven. I read somewhere that post Sea Change is when he got swallowed up by Scientology, but I don't know how true that is.

I'm hoping that Beck taking a step back from recording and touring over the past few years to become a producer has given him a creative shot in the arm. I'll always love him, but his past few albums have been mixed bags quality-wise. Cautiously optimistic that this heralds a return to form. Something happened