
I'm hoping that Beck taking a step back from recording and touring over the past few years to become a producer has given him a creative shot in the arm. I'll always love him, but his past few albums have been mixed bags quality-wise. Cautiously optimistic that this heralds a return to form. Something happened

Well at least the name is in perfect alignment with the comment…

Well at least the name is in perfect alignment with the comment…

In Germany she would have been gang shit on by a group of mental institution inmates.

In Germany she would have been gang shit on by a group of mental institution inmates.

I skimmed through the first one and I felt it was some of the most vanilla BDSM I've ever encountered. Oooh, she gets spanked a few times, yahoo. After a friend told me how the trilogy ends, and it's totally geared towards repressed, suburban housewife wish fulfillment. Apparently the dom/sub relationship ends pretty

I skimmed through the first one and I felt it was some of the most vanilla BDSM I've ever encountered. Oooh, she gets spanked a few times, yahoo. After a friend told me how the trilogy ends, and it's totally geared towards repressed, suburban housewife wish fulfillment. Apparently the dom/sub relationship ends pretty

For the sake of argument I'd say that "middle America" is too broad of a description. Usually it's the batshit crazy, reactionary evangelical Christians that are the ones who get all nutty about cuss words or butts.

For the sake of argument I'd say that "middle America" is too broad of a description. Usually it's the batshit crazy, reactionary evangelical Christians that are the ones who get all nutty about cuss words or butts.

Is there a raised hand emoticon?

Is there a raised hand emoticon?

In the case of the Gallagher brothers, it's that whole pot calling the kettle black thing.

In the case of the Gallagher brothers, it's that whole pot calling the kettle black thing.

Exactly what I was going to post. He's got a good track record at blaming other musicians/collaborators for various, vague "shortcomings."

Exactly what I was going to post. He's got a good track record at blaming other musicians/collaborators for various, vague "shortcomings."

Don't agree with everything, but I do believe that Gorillaz is better at singles than albums. The albums just dddrrraaaaagggg, IMHO.

Don't agree with everything, but I do believe that Gorillaz is better at singles than albums. The albums just dddrrraaaaagggg, IMHO.

"Deeply burnished" was nice, but I was thinking "finely crafted."

"Deeply burnished" was nice, but I was thinking "finely crafted."

I can now only say Bill Murray's name the way RZA says it in Coffee & Cigarettes, "Biww Muwway."