
I can now only say Bill Murray's name the way RZA says it in Coffee & Cigarettes, "Biww Muwway."

Sorry…but Futura is his font of choice.

Sorry…but Futura is his font of choice.

I'm…I'm cautiously optimistic about this. After the QoS mess I was going to swear off Bond again, but this looks promising. The cinematography indeed looks gorgeous and I also like the nicely understated movie poster. …and was that a Goldfinger-era Aston Martin in the foreground in the Scottish highland looking scene?

I'm…I'm cautiously optimistic about this. After the QoS mess I was going to swear off Bond again, but this looks promising. The cinematography indeed looks gorgeous and I also like the nicely understated movie poster. …and was that a Goldfinger-era Aston Martin in the foreground in the Scottish highland looking scene?

I'd love to see Les Stroud and Grylls have some sorta survival competition. No crews, no support, a minimum of supplies. Drop them off in the middle of nowhere and give them 5 days to reach civilization. We'll see how far Grylls' asinine jumping off of cliffs and stupid stunts get him when there's no one around to

I'd love to see Les Stroud and Grylls have some sorta survival competition. No crews, no support, a minimum of supplies. Drop them off in the middle of nowhere and give them 5 days to reach civilization. We'll see how far Grylls' asinine jumping off of cliffs and stupid stunts get him when there's no one around to

Les Stroud > Bear "Douche" Grylls

Les Stroud > Bear "Douche" Grylls

Thanks for wrecking the entire movie for me. Curse you!

Thanks for wrecking the entire movie for me. Curse you!

It's FAKE!?!?!???

It's FAKE!?!?!???

The ONLY bright spot of The Spirit was seeing Scarlett Johanssen rocking a Nazi fetish outfit. The rest of it, not so good.

The Cosmos that David Lynch ghost directed? Yeah, I've heard rumors about it…

Part of my sexual awakening waaaaay back in the day was hearing Love to Love you Baby on the radio and noticing the correlation to her wonderful moans and groans and feeling all funny down there. Between MCA, Duck Dunn and now Donna Summer, we've lost some musical giants and it truly makes me sad.

Yeah, I was hoping for a wonderfully snarky AV Club review of the movie and found none. Evangelical Christian movies are the modern-day equal to Ed Wood's work and are of high entertainment value for all the wrong reasons.

Cripes, what a colossal asshole. The reporter should have whispered, "I was in the Mossad and I'm not at liberty to discuss it. If you press me, Mr. Berg, I can kill you with my pinky."

I'd love to see the 24 Hour Party People crew get a crack at this.

Nah, Debbie Harry as herself, she still has it goin' on.