
Saw them on Letterman last night and was pleasantly surprised. Might be worth pirating off of the interwebs…

My favorite movie to share with the family during the holidays.

This reminds me of the classic Sprokets sketch where they show Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos. There's a corpse in a park with ants crawling on the corpse's face, another is a man in a diaper dancing around a sprinkler, but the guy getting whacked in the balls is of course the winner.

Well, this is aimed squarely at the senior citizens who are too afraid to go on YouTube because it's going to steal their credit card numbers. At least that's how my mom thinks.

Is there any way to petition to prevent Zack Snyder from ever directing anything ever again…ever?

An example of not being ambiguous enough: the latter seasons of the X-Files. They revealed too much and it took the fun out of everything. It just got convoluted.

4. Did the director really intend on the movie being a hamfisted clusterfuck?

What's kinda sad is that the quarry they filmed at became a huge draw, the water was tested and it was full of toxic waste. There used to be RCA television manufacturing in Bloomington and the water had PCBs and other lovely chemicals in it.

Good GOD does the Hendrix estate suck ass.

Apologies, I just posted the same exact thing as you.

Which one will be getting too old for this shit?

Cute episode. Sadly, I'm now resigned enough with the declining quality of Modern Family to deem "cute" a success.

You're like the Nostradamus of the AV Club!

Makes comment about talking horse movie. Then farts. 

Grrreeeeaaaaaat. I ALMOST completely forgot about Dharma & Greg and then you have to bring it up. Thanks a LOT.

Depp is all, "Oh no you did-nt!" in that photo.

Admit it, you cribbed that from Rex Reed's review.

Nice little primer, AV Club. I used to be very dismissive of electronica, but thanks to a young designer I worked with at a studio in the late 90s, he educated me on electronica, and in exchange, I showed him the ways of early punk rock. I still can't listen to most electronica in large doses, but at least I do have

The fixed-gear bike is a one-way ticket to a lifetime of knee issues. I love that a simple freewheel or brakes isn't "pure" enough for those idiots.

I know someone else posted this thought a few days ago, but it needs to be repeated. Funny that when you hire a writer/director who truly loves the source material, you get critically acclaimed and financially successful results.