
No mention of the kick-ass theme song?

I'd love to hear him dish about how incredibly messed up Robert Downy Jr. was during the filming of Home for the Holidays.

The moment when all the b.s. thugging, self-aggrandizing, gangsta, bitches and hoes nonsense became the defacto subject matter in rap was exactly when I lost all interest in it. There's still some interesting alt-rap stuff going on, but the mainstream has become a negative and terrible self-parody.

I hate to be nitpicky here, but it's "ChristoFUH."

Well, I liked Dark Willow in a very special way…

Agreed. It was a show trying to find it's legs and although there's definitely some crap there, overall it holds up. Considering the budget/time constraints, it's a miracle.

Ummmmm, okay.

Couldn't agree more. I never, EVER watched the HOF crap, but I had to just because of Yauch. I threw up in my mouth a little bit when no talent ass clown Kid Rock came out. Especially after I was so tickled to see The Roots as the band. Who the fuck made that call?

The long form obit is very well done. Kudos.

:: Fires up DVD player…::

Thanks Craig, that actually made me chuckle.

There is no debate. Paul's Boutique.

It's one thing to hear of an old warhorse like Johnny Cash passing away after a long and fruitful life. It's a stone cold bummer and tragedy when one goes so young and with such potential for future greatness. On a personal note, considering he was only 2 years my senior, quite a wake up call. Godspeed, MCA.

Rumor has it that The Hulk is actually quite small "down there." I'm sure it's related to those ugly rage issues.

Who said anything about gimmick poster? I think that's the REAL S. Lee!

As long as he's gently thawed under cold, running water he'll be okay. Just like a frozen tilapia filet.

I was hooked when I first saw the SHIELD helicarrier make an appearance.

Hey, if one can walk and chew gum at the same time…

Best of luck to Gene, but I fear Ween will never be as gonzo batshit crazy as it used to be. Still, time to move on when your life is at stake.

I'm wondering if some superhero films wouldn't benefit from being truer to the comic books and making the movies period pieces? I'd love to see a Hulk or Fantastic Four movie that actually takes place in the early 60's and has a bit of fun with the campier aspects. Why does everything in the superhero genre have to be