
Since I made the decision long ago to embark upon the "creative" industry as my profession, I could never, ever watch this show. The review confirms that no matter what caliber of creative talent may be on staff, ultimately it's the principal that steers the direction for good or for ill.

No thanks, I prefer my iPad.

Agreed. I haven't been into mainstream superhero comics in a loooooong time, but back in the day, it was always FF and X-Men to get my superhero team fix. The only time I'd pick up an Avengers is if there was a cool villain or a guest appearance by a cool hero.

Daredevil The Reboot: Maybe We'll Get It Right This Time

Today is a good day for Tick references. A good day indeed.

Sounds like the perfect movie to ignore aggressively.

Did you guys REALLY have to show that goddam clown? That thing still gives me nightmares.

The Great Lakes Avengers sounds like something from The Tick. Kinda like The Civic Minded Five. "Let's make a difference!"

A serial killer modeling his crimes after a writer's stories? GET OUTTA HERE!

There's two scenes of her in School of Rock where I found her to be sexy. The scene where she was working the shirt and tie stern headmistress look (a riding crop would have been a nice addition). And the big concert scene where she was wearing the tight, black turtleneck.

So in other words, Statham's been playing it SAFE with his film roles?

He saved the queen!

As long as the money can fund further Devo projects, I'm down with that.

As a kinda sorta casual observer of this show (my wife watches it and I tag along for the ride, half reading and half watching). Does anyone else think that Kelly Cutrone is a nasty, hateful person?

I understand the concern and the fear that rough, violent porn can be desensitizing and misleading the kiddies, but my shrill meter is off the charts. They're focused on just one aspect of pornography, one niche. I love my porn, but I'm not a fan of this type of waxed, fake tanned, steroid dude has super rough sex

:: Tears up script for "Nympho: The Movie." ::

Sad about someone taking his own life, but now I get to go on a Killers rant…

Now if it were a wacky coming of age black teen sex comedy titled Red Hot Red Hook American Summer, it would get wider release. Think about it Spike…

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would like to see a Jack Black movie.

I find it distracting in theaters and I find it completely intolerable at concerts. I can kinda, sorta grasp why someone would do that during a movie; but at a concert where one has shelled out a good chunk of change for tickets baffles me.