
Testify, brotha!

My dog has no nose…

Wasn't Seinfeld a flop there? And I'm NOT making a Jewish joke.

Yeah, Thora had it going on in Ghost World. When she puts on the Catwoman mask? Whew!

…and the winner of best comedic use of a stock photography site goes to…gosh, these envelopes are sure hard to open…Alien Jesus!

This brings back soooo many memories. I remember being a little kid, hearing this song on WLS-AM on our tinny station wagon radio. This song always reminds me of going to Little League games and the annual family vacation up to Wisconsin.

I might be going out on a limb here, but I don't that that LeBouf guy. I'm not trolling, 'cause I'm sure that's a controversial opinion on the AV Club.

Groggy AND surprised…huh. Perhaps The Beef is a better actor than I thought.

American Beauty > Crash

So is Battleship Jones wearing a blue speedo?

Dear AV Club, you accidentally posted a photo of Helena Bonham Carter instead of Jack White. Please rectify this situation.

Don't you know, Depp is 1/1,000,000th Native American…

I dunno, ever see all-Albino fetish porn?

I believe the Cuban missile crisis would've ended very differently had a warmonger been in office. Just sayin.'

What's even more laughable is that the far right is even demonizing FDR nowadays. How low can they go? Pretty damn low…

"Starring ZMF – as himself!"

That was a nice story. Tell me more!

Wow, I completely forgot that this was a series…apparently so did the rest of America when it originally ran.

Except Wipeout is pretty much all toms with very little snare.

Since Singapore has some of the strictest drug laws in existence, you'd be hard pressed to find an opium den there. Now if he said Bangkok…