
Let's gather a focus group to decide…

What's sad is that I assumed this was a Tyler Perry movie until I read the review. Then again, I should have noticed that title wasn't "Tyler Perry's Think Like a Man."

If he's gonna do this kinda stuff, he should at least be rocking his full-on Twisted Sister look.

3 Iron Men in Guy Pearce? I once saw something like that on the interwebs

In other words, the apocalypse is a-comin'.

So Joni becomes a giant robot and there's lots of 'splosions? Sign me up.

There's no other way?

I wish I was a fly on the wall for the "chat" the Secret Service had with Nugent. The Nuge loves to talk loud and has his bad ass facade, but I bet he was probably pissing himself when they were talking to him. I get the feeling the Secret Service can be highly intimidating…just a crazy hunch.

Since it was written by the guy who wrote the Austin Powers sequels, it's gonna be comedy gold.

Dude, you just blew my mind with that one…

Sofia looks like she just smelled something nasty in that photo.

"Whore Party" is going to be the name of my next band.

Amen to that. Makes me smile every time I hear it.

I'm specifically talking about the late 80's Chicago scene, a scene that I lived and breathed at that time and no, I'm not stereotyping. The show that I was attending during said altercation was indeed hardcore. No punk, no metal…and the term "indie" did not exist.

Sadly, that was the case with the hardcore scene no matter where you went. There was an orthodoxy that was just as myopic and limiting as uber-conservative Christian groups could be – if not more so. I'll never forget the heated debate/borderline fist fight I once had at a show because I was wearing a Ramones t-shirt.

I had a summer of straightedge after my first year of art school. I completely embraced the Chicago punk scene, got into skateboarding and straight edge. All I did was paint, skate and go to shows. I was in the best shape of my life, but it came to a screeching halt when I attended a house party at the start of my

Wow, I never knew that Tilda Swinton had eyebrows. Go figure…

Reporter: Are you a mod or a rocker?

And who knew that the Cookie Monster was such a well-informed Beatles fan?

Sophie, if you're out there, I'd send you a far superior video message than your crappy current boyfriend did.