
There was one episode of a white trash dude hiding in his mom's garage because he was all goofed up from huffing. When the cops finally find him and ask him if he's been huffing, he emphatically answers, "No!" Little did he know that he had a metallic silver paint mustache. I'd love to have a video still of him.

Looking back, I had strong allergies as a kid…

I got to see this in a double feature with The Last Dragon. Needless to say The Last Dragon was far superior…sho' nuff!

Damn elitists!

The world of music has lost another true innovator. Imagine how different rock would sound without his high-gain amp design.

Does Damon Albarn ever sleep?

…but in order to MAYBE find out, I have to sit through insufferable, slowly paced episodes where nothing much happens, right?

Does it at least have a machine-gun toting dwarf prostitute?

Pours himself a bourbon to celebrate.

What? No mention of her bizarre margarine ad?

Sorry for being so nit picky, but the proper term is, "Hollyweird."

Boyd is allowed to do that, as Boyd can do whatever the hell he wants. Personally, I loathed that look in the late '80s and it does seem to be making a comeback. God I hope not. Come on everybody, let's dress like Amish people!

I dunno, David Lynch could give him a run for his money on a good day.

I'm also a latecomer to Deadwood and I also had the same reaction, "What took me so long?" Every single episode is fantastic. So deep, so rich of a show. I found myself watching every episode with a silly little grin on my face, reveling in it's greatness. I'm not the sort to buy DVD boxed sets, but I would happily

Those bands WERE my life during that time period. GodDAMN what a collection of talent. New Day Rising literally saved me. I had my heart ripped out of my chest and crushed on the streets of Chicago in a very ugly breakup back in the day. That song got me through it. So simple, but so adamant and so powerful. New day

I love that the most practical remark for all the items is how many heads would fit in the Pan Am bag.

Great. Now I have to burn my eyes out to try and eliminate that image.

Are the hoverbikes on loan from Venture Industries?

So do we get to see Theron rock the white cotton panties as an homage to Ripley? If that's the case, I'm in.

Thanks AV Club, Xmas came early for me. I really didn't think you'd cover this episode as part of the "Very Special Episode" series. I'm a HUGE Dragnet fan. There's something about the very route but sometimes snappy dialogue and simple storytelling mixed with the minimalist visual style that makes the show very