
Nancy Allen is especially hot in 1941, working the whole pinup girl thing. Meee-ow!

"…it’s bound to exasperate even the hardiest of Palinites."

Does The Rock resemble a certain character from The Venture Brothers?

Yeah, that stop-and-go break is a bitch to get down as a band.

The battery compartment should smell of weed, as well.

Good times. My favorite touch is the Jimmy Durante parody for the sad rendition of the Mr. Hankey song. All slow and saaaad…and in Jimmy Durante's voice, "Mis-ter Haaaaan-k-ey Ttth-eee Christ-maaass pooo…" Genius. Definitely on the top 5 of my "LMAO" television moments. Seeing that episode for the first time was

I can't wait to read the inevitable pro-Rand posts to appear…

I know that the RRHOF is a sham of a mockery and a mockery of a sham, but Guns N' Roses? Really? A good hard rock band? Yes. Influential? No. Innovative? Definitely not. Long-lived? Hell, no. I don't hate GnR, but once again plenty of other deserving bands are overlooked while they make it. It shouldn't bother me, but

Strange, I thought he was Minnie Minoso

And a monster who eats cookies shall lead them…

The thing that makes me froth at the mouth even more than Erik is the fact that there are imbeciles out there that actually BELIEVE this bullshit.

I smell Oscar!

Totally on board the Duty Now is the better album. I'm a huge Devo fan, so I like all their albums up to Oh No, It's Devo; but New Traditionalists and Oh No lack a certain "umph" thanks to the use of a drum machine.

I love the part of the video where an apparently miniaturized Numan is "driving" along the keyboard of a Polymoog. Ya gotta love 80's green screen video effects.

Oh I get it, that's something the REAL Salieri would say.

Meh. Give me the machine gun toting dwarf prostitute.

God how I love that scene, with their teacher gleefully cheering them on. I also love the little cut to a trooper holding out a handful of ammunition and the kids grabbing it up as if it was candy.

Apparently someone missed the subtext mentioned in the above article. Starship Troopers rocks on multiple levels.

I'm not too sure about that. He has loathed touring since LCD Soundsystem took off.

Wow, I recall seeing this as a kid but for some reason in my head I don't remember this being an Xmas show, I really thought it was Jones' version of A Cricket in Times Square. I'd love to see this again.