
Numan seems very humble about his songwriting, an endearing quality. He definitely has a good ear and raw talent, but I love hearing him make the writing process for "Cars" and "Are 'Friends' Electric" sound like a happy accident.

Excellent points.

May I suggest those horrible, horrible Lexus Christmas ads for next week's index? I'm not easily offended, but I find those ads insulting. "Hee-hee, I'm so rich I bought my husband a $50,000 car with giant red bow on it! And I'm going to present the gift to him in a wildly convoluted way!" Not to mention that awful

"Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" is inferior because it's Stewart making a slick, by-the-numbers disco song to cynically cash in on the disco craze. "Miss You" is superior because at it's core and essence is still a Rolling Stones song that has only elements of disco in it. "Miss You" also has more grit and dirt in the mix than

Duuuuuuuude, you just blew my mind…

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think a static shot of a professor lecturing sounds like very compelling tee vee. I want 'splosions.

Had to add something else, the only episode I've ever seen of An Officer and a Movie was when Kelly's Heroes was shown. The crusty, humorless officer addressing all the flaws of a film that's a comedy was comedy onto itself. "There's no way all that gold could be transported that quickly, blah, blah, blah." Too many

I was a bit peeved when Discovery Wings mutated into The Military Channel and I do hate the whole "America, fuck yeah!" crap; but I do enjoy a lot of the shows. Hell, even my wife got hooked on Special Ops Mission…then again I think it was because Wil Willis is such a hunky stud. Regards Special Ops Mission, does

Ummm, did you read the article? Top Tens gets not only a mention but a clip from the show.

I've seen quite a few shows about the eastern front. It gets coverage in both Commanders at War and Greatest Tank Battles.

All played on the spoons.

Blouse? I liked them better when they were Slacks.

If his photo is any indication, he's in need of a good throat punch. Now I know how my dad felt when he looked at my Ramones poster back in the day. "Damn, good for nothin' deadbeats."

Just make sure you drink from the un-poisoned mason jar!

I'm so upset that I'm going to gobble up a pile of magic mushrooms, enter my isolation tank and transform into a proto-human.

I was in Singapore about 15 years ago and I can't believe how much the city has changed. Made me want to go back. It really is as clean and friendly as claimed on this show. Singapore is also home to some of the most exotically beautiful women I've ever seen.

Yeah, Fieri's grown on me a bit. He does seem to be genuine and I do like him championing local mom and pop places. Dude definitely needs a makeover, though.

B-but my hatred keeps me warm and gives me something to live for.

Right on. Excellent points all around.

Strange, because I cried when I read this.