
Funny, 'cause I'm a big fan of post-apologetic stuff.

Hey now, whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is fine, but you don't have to parade your gayness around in front of everybody, okay?


Does Albarn ever sleep? It's one thing to be prolific, but geez!

This may seem like an obvious question, but who watches this crap? Usually I can at least understand the appeal of a piece of pop culture that I don't like, but this stymies me. Add to the fact that this is basically a modified American Idol and I really don't understand the phenomena.

I'd like to know who the rocket scientist was that decided both the "blue" and "red" flag football teams should all wear red shirts.

I (ahem) very much enjoyed Yaya in The Kids are Alright.


Seems like Bocephus need a little education on the First Amendment. Then again, he'd bristle at the thought of being educated because that would make him (gasp) an "elitist."

If anyone has ever had the pleasure of having a conversation with Norwood, he is a fascinating (but whack) guy. A criminally underrated band.

Having someone want to take your eyes is creepy and disturbing by default.

Are the people of Earth 2
Our evil twins and they all have goatees? If that's the case, I'm in. If not, fuck it.

Yes, because there's NO WAY a person can separate an artist from their art. Gee, how many great painters, writers and musicians were terrible people who made beautiful things. Your argument holds no water in your lobster tank.

I'm with you, SOOT. Last summer there were multiple commuting and traffic cluster fucks thanks to this shit ball of a movie.

Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap.

The article was actually written by the ghost of Leo Fender.

Awwww Wesley's voice from the grave. I miss you, man. How's the afterlife treating you? Well I hope. Remember when we'd talk when you made those crazy pen drawings under the El tracks on Wabash?

I think I should write "now" one more time. Sheesh…

I read somewhere that they're now making better and consistent money now playing corporate events and nostalgia shows than back in their heyday. Back then there was an army of record industry leeches getting their cut of everything. Now the operation is smaller and they oversee everything.

One more thing
James Brown looks like he could punch out a Mack truck in that footage. Super Bad indeed.