
I dunno, the seasick Tom Waits episode was pretty awesome as well.

I have to say that the neon colored, ADD-addled fever dream of the Speed Racer movie is damn entertaining. Insanely and unapologetically over the top.

Wow, only two succinct White Sox disses. So sorry Cubs fans, perhaps you'll get one in the NEXT 100 years.

I know this is a very old review but I'm shocked by the lack of comments. This movie is ripe for wry observations, snarky comments and posting quotes.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Cherry Bomb!
A band I used to play in covered Cherry Bomb. We had a very sexy Filipino-American lead singer who would work the shit out of this tune, driving all the boys in the audience crazy. Good times.

As a third generation Sox fan, it was the highlight of a rather bleak decade.

Lexicon, that was almost Gene Shalit-like.

"What did you like best about her performance in the first movie? The stiff "secretarial" posing or the wooden line delivery?"

I think it'll have lots of incest. Sweet, sweet, incest.

Evil Wish
I'd love nothing more than to see this movie crash and burn at the box office. The visuals look like crap, the story sounds cliched and asinine and I think Cameron could use a reality check.

Willow will forever have a place in my heart. A complete guilty pleasure and I'm okay with that.

That cover is a work of genius.

Perhaps someone can refresh my memory, but from what I could recollect it seems that Foley really didn't have as many recurring characters like the rest of the cast. The only one I can think of is Barnabus, the man-servant to Sir Simon Milligan and Mr. Heavyfoot.

Seconded. I wish he went into more detail regarding that role.

From what I heard, Tom Waits in insatiable.

I know this has been posted a gazillion times on the AV Club, but I still gotta say it.

Yeah, but I'm a street walking cheeta.

Retro space exploration movies
Is a genre I absolutely love to death. The spaceships and set designs are always so damn cool, plus there's always that gung-ho, can-do spirit.

Black spacemen be spacewalkin' like this and white spacemen be spacewalkin' like that.

A little late?
Say by 17 years or so?