Felx Macbubber

Spot on for most of these, though I don't believe House of Cards deserved best new series. Personally would have chosen Rectify.

long pants
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I can't not say Arrested Development's Barry Zuckercorn

No one really takes Mac's homophobic rantings seriously because he IS gay. Why would anyone be offended when he thinks AIDS is God's punishment for being gay when we're all aware it's just his defense mechanism to never act on his true feelings?

Y'know Battle of the Atom amazes me. I thought the constant X-men infighting could not get anymore convoluted, then Bendis decides to add other eras of X-men to fight eachother!

Really? They had to come up with the "Rising Tide" for this show? It's not like there aren't plenty of evil organizations sitting around Marvel's Stable.  Couldn't use HYDRA, A.I.M., The Hand, Black Spectre, H.A.M.M.E.R. or the Secret Empire?

ugh look I love Cranston, but the idea of him as Lex Luthor only came about because he's the only bald man people are currently watching on tv. For Lex I would want someone more viral, a young man in the prime of his life who would appear to have it all except in comparison to Superman.

If you're ready for the boss level 4chan's comics and cartoon board /co/ has a keen eye for what is and isn't working for the Big 2 comic companies.

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus I was so ready to write off Aaron's current output with the unneeded and boring Thanos Rising and the just plain bad WaTXM but I remembered he's writing Thor: God of Thunder which is not only a great read, it's also metal as fuck.

So is it safe to assume the movie side stepped the incest issue that pushed the books from 'Boring YA fantasy romance' to 'So weird I have to read it'

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I can agree that returning to the old crew was a creatively bankrupt move but I prefer Abram's sticking to the original crew dynamics instead changing the established race of any character or inserting new token characters into the crew for the sake of diversity.

I'm sorry, maybe there's some Star Trek trivia I don't know of, but don't the new Star Trek films only use characters from the original series? So wouldn't Gene Rodenberry complaining about a lack of diversity be hypocritical? "How dare they only include the characters I included"

Too soon man

"What kid do you know is interested in government conspiracies and shadow cabinets? Or parallel universes, in terms of the Justice Lords?"

It was a rights issue? Makes perfect sense now that I think about it because Elongated Man's role in this episode screams like it was written for Ted

Geoff John's Booster Gold ongoing doesn't get enough love, the Rip Hunter/Booster dynamic was fantastic and seemed to get more interest as their familial connection was revealed. Then it went no where….

I'll through out two of my favorite comic book series,  both written by Brian K. Vaughn

Why should you be punished for a crime someone else….noticed??

At least he doesn't have electric powers, he'd fit right in with Black Lightning, Black Vulcan, Thunder, Lightning, Storm, Static Shock,  the new Aqualad, Jamie Foxx's Electro….

beat me to it