Felx Macbubber

Hank Pym is a legitimately awesome character, unloved by most creators and fans. I'd suggest his appearances in West Coast Avengers, Slott's Mighty Avengers, Avengers Academy, and the recent Ant-man and Wasp mini, avoid Millar's god awful interpretation in Ultimates

Someone explain to me the need for a post-episode talk show, doesn't the internet completely invalidate it?

I don't care for the "I haven't been a kid since I was 8" interpretation of Batman, in fact I think it's the opposite. Bruce has been living out one night when he was 8 his entire life. He never stopped being a kid, it would explain why he surrounds himself with young companions (the robins, the batgirls, etc.), his

"Clark whatever you decide to do with your life, you're going to change the world" 
"What do you mean you don't want to work on the farm!?"

Biggest laugh of the night has to come from Hatred after shooting down the cocoon. "THAT IS ON ALL KINDS OF FIRE. GARY I STILL HATE THE HELL OUT OF YOU BUT YOU GOTTA GET OUT OF THERE"

Wasn't Entman presumed dead, but was just underground? So now he's had three funerals

He stumbles upon an experimental size changing suit and becomes the Irredeemable Ant-man

Yeah as much as I love Az's wild ride Wonder Woman could really use a second book (not Superman/Wonder Woman) that's geared toward her relationship with A.R.G.U.S. and establishing her more classic rouges. Most of her regular villains are being stolen by other books, Cheetah in JL, Doctor Psycho in Superboy, and

I have to believe he'll return, if only to give Wonder Girl a reason to join the cast

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus The Amazon's never needed artificial insemination because they were all immortal and didn't need children to keep their culture going. It was this absence of children that motivated Hippoltya to create a baby out of clay and pray to the gods to bring it to life

I would make a case for Robinson's Earth 2 but considering he's jumping ship soon I'll just sit back down and wonder what could have been

He's C-list in the Super Science community, but he's the creme de la creme of being hated

The twist is that Pepe Silvia is behind the whole thing!

From day one this movie was an unashamed love letter to mecha and monster movies, and I think that's just fine

Which is why it would feel like a natural evolution, with Triana he was able to charm her but never start a relationship, with Thalia he had a chance at a relationship but it didn't last, the next step is to have an actual relationship that isn't nixed by the end of an episode.

Seems unlikely with only two episodes left but I hope Dean ends his transition phase through a love interest. That's kind of always been his thing with his interactions with Triana, and they've been teasing it this season a bit. It be nice now that Hanks carved out his own identity with Dermott, Shallow Gravy, and his

Ex Machina was the only ending I'd call disappointing. Y's ending was nearly perfect, to me its a completely earned gut punch, Yorick was such a fully realized character I knew exactly what all the events of the last issue meant to him. Though Runaways didn't end when he left, his run on it ended on a great note too. 

I'm expecting season 2 will not be a good time for Jack Crawford, with his wife's lung cancer/troubles at home and the repercussions of seemingly pushing Will to kill. It'll be interesting to see Jack's life crash around him after he saw the same happen to Will and did nothing about it.

Maybe killing a young girl on-screen is like veal…controversial :P

No love for the funniest line of the episode?