B Town

Frankly, seeing the difference between his performance in Looper and his performances in RED 2, GI Joe and the Expendables series just tells me that Willis knows when to give a fuck, and when not to.

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus Nice try, since 50% of all club music these days is made by awkward-looking Swedish or German DJs, but before I never talk to you again, I just want you to know that you're not as effective a troll as you think. Continue on with your undergrad-level race baiting.

"Chris Brown is rich and famous" - the only excuse horrible pieces of shit seem to ever need, in the eyes of their utterly deluded fans.

I'm going to say this only once, because Chris Brown is a piece of shit and total scum and his music is garbage and it's a shame this news is so obviously him trolling for support from fans.

Every time, every single time there's a Chris Brown article anywhere, I always do a word find for "Lennon." Because there's always someone.

So what are we doing here? Are we calling Netflix's original content "webseries," or is that still such a dirty word that we can't assign it to Orange is the New Black, a show that belongs on Prestigious Grown-Up TV?

Ah, "There are no second Acts in American lives." The quote that exists only to be refuted, time and again, in every hacky magazine article about a celebrity's comeback.

The first five minutes were incredibly funny. I'll give it that.

It really doesn't matter how good any show, in the history of forever, has ever been. There will still be a loud contingency of super-fans and contrarian critics who hate the way it will all end. Telling a compelling story well is one thing, but finishing it is entirely another.

Ah, Mystery Men: The only thing Raja Gosnell ever did that could approach noteworthy, were it not for the use of Smashmouth's "All Star."

No discussion of "Musicals that don't make me want to rip the theater seat armrest off" is complete without Book of Mormon.

Comedy is often so of-the-moment that it's borderline unfathomable to think any of it could stand the test of time. Usually, it seems to be comedy that has a hint of anger to it - whether it's an underdog rebelling against those in power, the poor wishing they could be rich, the loser wishing they could get it right

Stunts >>>>>>> Party Boy >> Bam >> Grandpa Irving

These were the totally laugh-free segments of the Jackass movies. But perhaps that's because they were juxtaposed with stuff that was clearly more real. There's more of a sense of comedic urgency to the stunts than the quiet, often-predictable old man stuff (or the Party Boy scenes for that matter). I dunno, the

Blown away they even let Emma Watson onscreen, or outside at all. She's that horrifically ugly. I mean look, I get it - you want to cast a wallflower, so maybe that character shouldn't look attractive, fine. But this is HOLLYWOOD. At least get someone who doesn't shatter every mirror she looks into.

Albert Finney in Big Fish looks a TON like my grampa, so the scene where Billy Crudup is carrying him to the river in slow-motion just rips the saline right out of my eyeballs.

"Ben Stiller goes for Oscar gold because of course he does!" What great snark, right everyone? Because of course he does! You thought it was going to be a complete sentence and then it turned into something else! I am a funny writer because of course I am!

Yeah, honestly, I remember being in that movie theater when Meet the Parents came out. And it fucking slayed, harder than any comedy I've ever seen in a movie theater except maybe Team America. The first one was a funny, goofy, oddly intense little movie. Also, back then it was still pretty fresh to see Robert de Niro

@DrunkenSuperman:disqus No, doesn't really blur it for me, not in context of everything that came before it. "Get at me" is just a phrase, something you say at a girl whether your flirtations are innocent or just a bit too insistent. Painting the picture of a good girl who (definitely, clearly) wants to be sexually

I do mention it. Of course, they stopped playing music videos way before YouTube, but now there's clearly no reason to.