B Town

Chronic 2001 might have been the only rap album sequel to actually also become an anointed classic, yeah.

To appropriately rip off AC/DC, you need a titanic throat-rattling scream of a voice. Allow me to present the true heirs to the dumb-as-bricks aesthetic of AC/DC:

Also, why couldn't Pacino have a Dog with a Blog? Would make for some great dog blog scenes.

Yeah, um, I know we hate Eminem and everything, but Recovery sold massive numbers and minted him as the highest-selling artist of the decade. So a couple oh-so-hilarious Buzzfeed posts about "Miracles" definitely does not compare.

@avclub-35a00215eb3d273078fbdeeadb3dfe10:disqus Yeah, I have to agree that this is a lad's-night-out movie, baked into its premise. If we spent lots of time developing Rosamund Pike's character and making her a three-dimensional person with goals and flaws and stuff, my brain would be on fire thinking "how is this

I like to think of the Helicarrier airship in The Avengers as a perfect metaphor for the movie itself: A gigantic, completely improbable contraption that shouldn't work, at all, and so it's a thrill just to watch the movie sputter upwards and get six inches off the ground, wobbling all the way to the finish line.

Justin Timberlake did it pretty effectively. Maybe the culture is much harder on female pop stars than it is on male ones.

Being called vanilla ice cream is super-racist, indeed. As a fellow person whose skin is white, I'm furious that someone would bring up so lame a flavor. Mint Chip or Cookie Dough, please.

I think they must experience a crazy sense of cognitive dissonance when they take the stage to thousands of screaming fans in a packed arena, then finish the stage and go on the internet to check stocks and sports scores and then find a "Nickelback sucks dick" comment underneath a story about Dempster beaning A. Rod

Didn't Tyra Banks do a special about 5 different women with 2 vaginas each?

Voice over is used primarily in TV spots for these movies now, because they have a much shorter amount of time to get all the relevant information across, and you're not as captive and attentive an audience as if you were in a movie theater, so they talk to you in case you're distracted by your Pringles can at the

Obviously Perry gets final say and all, but you know what you're getting when you hire Dr. Luke to co-produce, a beat-thief every bit as fiendish and prolific as Will I Am.

Yup. Perry is focused as shit when it comes to presenting a new extension of her brand, a new narrative and set of visuals for every album, and giving every single monster production. Gaga's had enough smoke blown up her ass that she thinks she can get really lazy.

The best trailers in the world are being made these days. They ruin the movie, sure, but they're propulsive, slick, emotional, effective and dynamic. Then when you go see the movie, you realize it's just an empty, lifeless piece of blockbuster shit. But the trailer did its job and got you in the theater, didn't it?

I have never laughed harder, ever, EVER, than the time I watched Superman IV stone sober at 5 in the morning with a friend of a friend who was basically a total stranger to me. We re-watched the five-minute sequence where Superman flies to the UN, tells them "fuck you all, I'm Superman so now watch this," captures all

Iron Man 3 was good for some chuckles indeed. This is the End and Mud were the clear highlights for me.

From what I gather, a bloodstain is orange after you wash it three or four times in the tub. But that's normal, isn't it @avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus ?

How does a girl tell her friends she's dating a guy named Cam Gigandet?

Isn't there a pretty famous story about David Crosby coked out of his mind in a hotel room, telling McCartney he's an all right musician, but he needs to get a new fucking bass? It sounds hilarious in my memory.

I remember quite liking the motorcycle chase, just on its own terms!