B Town

This is going to sound pretty terrible to people who really wanted nothing more in life than to get their hands on a Comic-Con badge this year, but I just straight up left after being inside the convention center for 12 minutes. Granted, I was just borrowing a badge, I was in San Diego on business, and I had a train

Huge points for being (save the robot vocals) 100% disco. You could transplant that song to 1978 and it would slot right the fuck in. What a lovely move by Daft Punk, pranking every modern douchey club in the world and winding up with a crossover smash.

I give Lorde tons of credit for being 16 years old and completely owning her image and music straight out of the gate - but driving home at 2 AM and seeing vapid club chicks drunkenly holler this song out of the windows of their Priuses has sort of soured me on it.

Someone else already did, here and on imdb. It's the two girls.

I guess there was an appearance on SNL, but yeah, apart from that, hype for the album was generated almost entirely by Kanye's fans knowing about it and spreading the word.

And yet, black pop/rap/R&B artists are often some of the biggest, most enduring acts in the world, from Kanye to Jay-Z to Rihanna - capable of crossover gold more so than your average white-as-fuck country act (give or take a Taylor Swift). Critics love them, multiple demographics and age groups love them, and it's

Nothing really scared me except Chucky. And I hadn't even seen the movie, just the poster of Chucky holding the knife against a black background was enough to give me nightmares for years. I couldn't walk into some portions of video stores.

Wan does not deserve as much crap for the torture porn genre as others, even if Saw is a flagship franchise in that genre that he successfully kicked off.

Also his performance in "Definitely Maybe," which is to say "he is one of three potential men who may be your father in this story I'm going to tell you now."

Move on and hope it fades away. I have too much pride to take the money.

Having stood in an elevator next to Wareheim after a Room screening, I can confirm: Dude is fucking tall.

Louis CK put it best: You can't even hurt a straight white dude's feelings. They're so totally on top that nothing sticks - not a racist joke about them, not sexism, nothing. So putting a girl and a guy side-by-side and giving them the same horrible treatment is just sexist towards women.

Not to mention the writer/director of All I Wanna Do, which famously ended her feature directing career thanks to her standing up to Harvey Weinstein.

Although You Have To Admit, It Would Be Pretty Funny If We Just Submitted This Whole Repartee to IMDB as the Official Title Even If It Isn't What We Go With For the Real Thing. I Think We Should Do It

"Family: Because no matter what race, economic background or gender, everyone has one and therefore they can relate to your homogenized bullshit theme."

When you take the fact that critically-acclaimed, somewhat-introspective and daring Sandler films have always bombed and hurt his brand, with the fact that his audience of high school idiots grew up and became workaday idiots with idiot wives and idiot kids, and they just want to sink into a world of lazy bullshit

This just in: Sequel that everyone knows exactly what to expect from, with huge comedy stars, clobbers original property with Idris Whoever-the-Fuck that looks like it might be a Transformers rip-off (except it looks, ick, more Japanese) to the uninitiated.

It's the Goldfish Bowl theory. As a goldfish grows to accommodate the size of the bowl it's in, so does a once-fat person regain their weight to fit into the big pants they've owned for years.

Someone wrote an infamous article like this but about Ann Coulter. If I recall, it was virulently sexist, which I'm pretty much always opposed to, but goddamn if Coulter isn't one of the few women on Earth you could kinda sorta pull that off with.

I think it's just shame from feeling so totally owned by the Tea Party's ability to rally more effectively. Their image, their message, their demands, all much clearer. They had just as much stigma to overcome, but they did it in the end because old people are angrier, richer, and have less to do.