B Town

My OTHER favorite is when people CONSTANTLY type their comments in ALL CAPS just so we can ALL easily discern that they are FUCKING CRAZY

You think this looks bad? Behold: The extended promo for "Fred's" show Marvin Marvin, the only piece of laff-tacular kid swill that kids themselves actually have said NO to (at least, in the comments).

Like, what did you think would happen when your sci-fi book got made into a Hollywood movie, Orson? What did you really fucking think was going to happen to you, after all the things you've said that have been so carefully recorded by our newfangled interweb technology?

Devin Faraci of Badass Digest just wrote a piece about how Sharknado panders to snarky tweeting hipsters and Gawker and AV Club are part of the problem. I think some of the complaining stems from a cult film nerd getting upset that his scene is being co-opted by hipsters, but in his defense it's pretty exhausting to

Because it led to everything a horror movie fan could have wanted over the past 30 years of slasher films.

This. Chucky hiding under your bed with a knife is much creepier than Chucky out in the open. They give him projectile weapons too, things that could hurt you even if a toddler operated them, so that makes sense too.

We're in heavy pre-production. Excitement is in the air!

To go through life without having heard any of Jay-Z's many hits is some sort of bizarro-world accomplishment, like beating Super Mario World without gaining an extra life.

And frankly, that first Audioslave album even has a couple tracks on it that are worth listening to. Yeah, I said it.

That's a good time. He knows everyone who made the movie and knows all the rituals and routines.

Dude, save it for Smurfs 2.

Pacific Rim won't just underperform, it's going to straight-up flop (in America, at least). It'll be the final nail in the coffin for original IPs being given a big budget, though I'll stop short of saying it'll wreck Del Toro's career.

Training Day gets a lot of shit because of its kindergarten racial politics, but it's the very definition of an effective B movie. Denzel is fucking unleashed and given a part that actually demands the scenery be chewed, Hawke does admirable supporting work. The whole thing works as long as you don't take it seriously.

I think what you're forgetting is that, whereas he used to be a business man in terms of selling drugs, he is now a business man in terms of selling albums and clothing!

I can confirm that, while he was single, my friend Michael Rousselet used "I started 'The Room' cult" to pick up on girls. I cannot confirm whether it worked or not, but I will wager the answer is yes.

I wrote a paper in college about how Training Day, though filmed by a black director, is all about how scary it is to be white in predominantly black or latino environments. It may have been typical college-level race-baiting, but it was a terrifically easy essay to write because Training Day refuses to show us these

Well then I guess that's the big discussion. Is Batman a silly pile of goofy kiddie bullshit? Or is it a grim, dark, oh-so-gritty super serious you guys crime novel?

Anyone who says "Adam West was the best Batman" is basically saying "I love and cherish being old."

Don't forget Kurtsman and Orci.

The Rundown pulls direct-to-dvd victory out of the jaws of major-release defeat. An enjoyable, workmanlike good time with Walken delivering a borderline brilliant Tooth Fairy monologue.