B Town

Of the young cast, Kendrick walks away with her dignity most intact. In fact, you can even see it in her line delivery that she knows she's cute, talented and versatile enough to blow right past this tweenybopper shit on her way to several Oscar nominations.

When I was 14, I wrote something about how I'm not attractive enough to get girls in high school, but it's okay because eventually I'll go to college and try again there, and until then I should probably remain a loser and study. It got published in one of the Chicken Soup books.

Particularly because in most directors' hands, the impulse to go pitch-black with it would be too strong. The Coens love darkness, but not for darkness' sake. Their worldview is simply that shit happens, and God, if he exists, doesn't really care about us. Yet there's room for whimsy and hope in their interpretation

Who grunts better? Venus or Nadal?

You're absolutely allowed! Just please don't accidentally conflate yourself with 13-year-old boys who just discovered entry-level punk music and suddenly consider themselves music scholars for preferring "real instruments" and noting that "rap" rhymes with "crap."

One of the really transparent ones is Deadliest Catch (something I've only ever watched in passing on the treadmill TV screens at the gym), where they film the guys on the deck doing all their fishing shit and then clearly clearly CLEARLY film the captain much later, commenting on specific things in his isolated

Ciara. Her name begins with the grades her albums deserve.

Having read reviews of Inception prior to seeing it, and essentially understanding all the rules and setups going in, I did in fact find the dialogue interminable and hand-holding. It made me think "if all this question-asking, world-building and non-character-building (save Leo I guess) is just to have a cool

Cool kids/
Hated The Dark Knight/
Get to say they hated it/
Once everyone hated the shittier sequel

I just want to watch the whole movie again. Black Dynamite is how you do a tongue-in-cheek genre parody without seemingly ever losing steam.

I just remember him being so phenomenal in You Can Count on Me that perhaps he's coasting on that for me every time I see him.

I'm sorry, Gandolfini is always great in anything, and he and his work will be sorely, sorely missed. But fuck, what a waste of an actor.

So this is the movie everyone points to when they say Schindler's List is a mawkish, exploitive piece of horrible shit?

Third Eye Blind is one of those bands where the article dictates the comments in a big way. A positive article about their music engenders a whole mess of discussions about how "Motorcycle Drive By" is actually a pretty good song. An article that sets up how shitty they are inevitably leads to "can't believe the lead

@avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus Oh man, did he ever stick the landing on Misery and Pet Semetary.

Well, it can't just be Jack Nicholson's psychosis, because Danny and Wendy start seeing them too. Danny and Mr. Hallorran can "shine" to each other, which suggests the existence of real ghosts is possible.

And yeah, there isn't a universe in which Sopranos' best season ISN'T season one.

So close to that being true for MST3K! (4th and 8th - though obviously there will be 400 different permutations of opinions).

Fuck her silly, for sure.

"Steve, your descent into well-lit sex with beautiful women is underscored by a heartfelt crayon message from Daughter Character! We need you to begin implementing iconic Steve Jobs accessories, including beard and glasses! Only then will the juxtaposition of our Kanye track make sense!"