B Town

Team Isla all the way, til the end of days.

It really is amazing how, for one shining final moment, the record industry was able to play us all like a bunch of fiddles, coaxing us to swear allegiance to one monolithic music genre or the equally monolithic genre that hates it - all from major labels, all overproduced, all on MTV. Either way, the money winds up

Also singlehandedly makes Definitely Maybe worth watching

People really do love to shit on Moffat, right? After plowing through the Davies years, I gotta say I'm blown away that anyone could prefer some of this shit. Talk about rose-colored glasses (pun intended, I guess).

I don't care how sleazy or unimportant any of this sounds, if you're on the Sunset Strip on a Monday night, you owe it to yourself to see Steel Panther. Calling them an 80's hair metal cover band doesn't do their show justice at all - they are without question the best weekly live act in Hollywood. And yes, they are

BAFTAs maybe. The Emmys, not in a trillion billion years.

Oh man, Maslany would grab that show and just fuck it intensely until it passed out.

So happy this is failing miserably. See, the millionaire celebrities can come out for this shit, but they (mostly) get turned away! Maybe it's just a phase and eventually their managers and publicists will start to tell them it's "a bad look."

For this analogy to truly work, Desperado needed to thwomp Pulp Fiction at the box office, leading Rodriguez to spend the rest of his life mired in Mariachi-related toys and films.

I saw Bachelorette. Again, she was winning, but I just wasn't feeling the movie in general.

I think they hand out Moomans at the MTV Moosic Awards

Isla Fisher has this peculiar habit of being (in my estimation) a criminally-underused, extremely talented comedic actor, every bit as capable/squandered as Anna Faris - every movie she's in, I want to go see just to watch her do her thing, but the movies LOOK SO BAD WHAT DO I DO

Pretty hard to work in Hollywood and not realize that gay folks are people too.

Speaking from a purely uninformed place, I feel like multi-cam sitcoms are slowly going the way of the dodo because of their insistence on using canned laughter. We've come a long way in terms of audience sophistication, and while there will always be rubes who need explosive gales of shitty fake laughter to know

This season is pretty rock solid - big moments, big laughs, great scenes, everyone is still completely on their game - yet it feels as if something is missing. In the pilot, we seemed to get a VERY clear sense of where the season is heading, and while I love twists and back alleys as much as anyone, I would have liked

I don't think we'll need to worry about internet hype coloring anything. From what I've seen so far, these episodes are sucking just fine on their own.

It's true. We need to see these centipedes actually DOING something now. Maybe the scientist orders them to go to the store and pick up some eggs? Build a 500-seat bicycle and ride it down Venice Beach?

I remember seeing him as the doctor in Knocked Up and feeling like it was a revelation. Wow! Who is this guy?

Sammy Hagar already made his move.

That would be worse, actually. Friedkin is a fantastic director but a horrible human being - he forced abortions on his wife, slapped a priest across the face, and forever damaged Ellen Burstyn's spine. I'll just take the great films he makes and not have to deal with who he is as a person, thanks.