B Town

Hope Fox likes my reality show ideas

Yeah, even though she hasn't pooped out a kid or anything (which usually does the trick), she looks better than most 25-year-olds I know…and has an out-of-this-world body for a fucking 40-something.

Rosie Huntington-Whitely in Transform3rs reminded me a lot of Beyonce in Goldmember. Attractive, aware that this acting thing will probably not lead to bigger better parts, and generally just looking happy to be there. Which made her a step up from Megan Fox, at least.

Beyonce is great spin class music.

Yeah, but they'll grow out of it. All it takes for Brown's star to fall is for him to grow older and look less appealing to girls who have no. fucking. idea. how a man should treat them yet.

Well, then they learned those names in a horribly misguided effort to defend the woman-beater they prefer.

There is probably one way that an alternate dimension Chris Brown could have achieved the acceptance of everyone after pummeling Rihanna.

I want this review to get no more than three comments, and yet I want it to get 12 million views.

Crowdsourcing can of course be wildly abused, by both celebrities and enterprising non-celebs alike - but at the end of the day, if the project is a swindle, at least it's the donors who are choosing to swindle themselves. I don't wish ill will towards anyone who's a Garden State fan and wants to get new playlists

It's true, you have to carefully delineate what the budget of your project entails - we're doing a movie, and everyone involved with breaking down the cost of the script are pros (at least at an indie level), so we're asking for almost exactly what we need to put us and our own credit cards over the hump.

This is like that Britney Spears episode of South Park all over again. FOR HARVEST

I know a few people whose Kickstarters succeeded smashingly, so maybe that's given me and my group the foolhardy confidence to dive in as well.

Thanks, I think!

The Kickstarter backlash surrounding Braff's campaign has 1% to do with "hey, you're a rich celeb, this isn't for you" and 99% to do with "I hate Garden State."


Tatiana Maslany is quite simply the best actress on television right now.

I worked on some promos for this show and watching it provided me with one of the most thrilling, head-smacking moments in reality TV I've ever seen.

Let's go to a fucking theme park and fucking turn it on. I'm sure no zombies will AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

Zombieland was massively unfunny anyway. The whole thing reeked of a movie that was fixed in post with voiceover and silly dancing graphics.

Well, if you think he had very little talent to begin with, it only makes sense that This Is 40 was the worst movie ever, since it's undoubtedly a big step down.