B Town

Reality show ideas

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Nixon, really? The guy who is generally credited with teaching this country to loathe, mock and distrust its Presidents? I will take your word for it.

Because Kristen Stewart is also attractive, whether you want her to be or not.

Is it sad that none of us give a shit about what Bush did to the country anymore? Or just inevitable, as the changing of the seasons? Or both?

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Except in "Walk Hard," where the extended-beyond-all-hope-or-reason shot of the penis in the background of an entire scene is like a brilliant piece of anti-comedy, screaming "AIRPLANE FOOD AIRPLANE FOOD AIRPLANE FOOD" until you break down and start laughing.

When I was in high school, I produced and ran a movie review newsletter and had my friends participate. When it came time to fill up an issue with reviews, inevitably they all wanted to see the "good ones," so in one night on a self-imposed deadline, I sat in a movie theater to see both Raising Helen and Soul Plane,

I think what I liked so much about it was that it surprised me. My old theory about Joel v. Mike was that, while Mike was funnier, Joel clearly had a greater deal of affection for the movies they were parodying. As the co-creator of the concept, Joel sought to make a show that didn't insult the people involved in

I still love the way MST3K ended. They all fucking live in a crappy apartment together, arrange themselves in the same way on the couch and still watch bad movies on the TV (in fact, the very first bad movie of the Comedy Central era, "The Crawling Eye"). Why? Because it's fun. And what else is there to do? Love it.

Juno is throw-your-TV-through-a-plate-glass-window horrible at first. The whole first half makes you want to set fire to a ton of stuff that will burn for days. Then all of a sudden, it starts to actually develop its characters and take things to a slightly more interesting place, and by the end of the movie you're

Apparently, we've kept rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' inside the horizon, loving this shit right here. All of the people inside this universe known as "The House" put their hands in the air, to signify that they didn't care and thus, that L-I-M-P Bizkit did not care either.

Yeah, it's actually a surprisingly small budget given the stars involved. "Bad Boys" was filmed on a budget of $19 million, though admittedly budgets were only beginning to get ridiculously inflated with Waterworld that same year.

…you PUNK

As long as they can have sex in more than one state at once, then yes.

I have more reality show ideas!

One might even say, regarding white people, "eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh."

Liked: Taking a class in Walk & Talk, the lonely rollercoaster photo, and the pictures standing in for text on the teleprompter. I am unable to say the pilot was unfunny, because it got me at least three times, which is more than I can say for a lot of shows.

This was adorable, but thank goodness we were spared the 4 1/2-minute "Game of Orens" intro that showed his home, his place of work and the school he went to all being built in miniatures.

Reality show ideas I continue to have

If we're talking obvious, somewhat unassailable choices: Beatles, Abbey Road.
If we're talking personal choices: Butch Walker, Left of Self-Centered.

Nicklebackstreet Boys II Men at Work