B Town

This movie had such a weird, wet-dream-logic plot. Paxton was firing on all cylinders though, and it was notable for an early RDJ cameo. Therefore, I support it being remade - some movies deserve a second chance.

"Attention, Galactic Senate! Before we hear these exceedingly boring arguments about the Trade Federation, professional film actress Anna Kendrick would like to inform us of her little party trick that she does quite a bit, and if we perhaps might have a use for it in our own film. Anna, the floating stage is yours,

I honestly thought the worst Radiohead tattoo ever would be a tattoo of a radio on the top of your bald head, thus necessitating a long pause and you saying "…Get it??" at parties.

An a capella competition that was clearly originally filmed all by itself, with everyone on-set probably finding the conflict well-drawn and the comedy hilarious, only to discover that it needed serious work when they saw the rushes - thus scrambling to hire two comedy pros to sit in a couple chairs and riff for a

You're not going to be punching nuts when you go after the offenders responsible for coining this "aca" shit. And then you'll go to prison for punching a bunch of innocent women in the vagina, as you should!

Rebel Wilson is Melissa McCarthy but for the kids.

Still to this day, 90210 really is the worst offender when it comes to 30-somethings playing teenagers. Gabrielle Carteris looked like she was 39 with two kids playing a high school journalism student. At least the clearly post-pubescent, well-moisturized muscle gods and supermodels from shows like One Tree Hill make

While it panders beyond all hope and reason to that crowd (as odious and repellant a group of generally nice people as you could imagine), the movie itself was pretty serviceable.

I rarely give anything Butch Walker produces a spin, which is funny because he's basically my favorite singer-songwriter today. But the Gin Wigmore album was pretty good.

Katy Perry is a pop product, but an extremely smart, self-knowing one. Why she doesn't get any credit and Lady Gaga does ('cause what, one sits in front of a piano more?) is ridiculous. They both do ironic, catchy-and-overproduced radio electro-fluff and succeed wildly at it. They have their calculated gay-pride

It is famously credited as the first movie to be totally fucking buried in the ground by Star Wars. But yeah, the fact that it's called Sorcerer just does nothing for it.

Friedkin easily comes off the worst, forcing an abortion on his then-wife and essentially destroying her life. Next up is either Hal Ashby or Bob Altman. I'm ignoring Dennis Hopper because he was clearly a psychopath.

I know everyone's complaining about tonight's episode ending with rock music, but seriously I would start every episode with Thunderstruck if they let me. Also, instead of tiny replicas of towns being built (which I'm sure the hobbyist GoT fans appreciate), I'd kickstart that shit with mid-90's sitcom shots of the

More reality shows I thought of

EDM: Unless you really, really, really like dancing that much, you have to be high.

This is the review 20- to 30-something America has been waiting for.

I guarantee it's this. Executives heard these pitches back in 2012, whoever pitched them must have lazily, hackily worked in 2012 as a joke/conversation starter/plot point, and then a bunch of screenplays are off to the races.

I think CTotD can sing when the subjects are actual arrogant jerks. But more often than not, they come off as nice guys who made a bad movie and are just trying to save face and get through a couple hours in the recording room with their actors. Having been a part of several cinematic ventures that don't work out, I

I'll miss you, Scott! These are among my very favorite articles at AVC. Hate to get snipey, but it really is a bummer that something so "up-with-people" as New Cult Canon is ending, while something as "down-with-the-losers-ha-ha" as Commentary Tracks of the Damned lives on. Nevertheless, you've reminded me fondly of a

Dude, not only did I have the Dr. Grant action figure (complete with hat that would not come off, which fine), but I was ALSO rockin' the coolest movie tie-in toy I've ever owned: A pump-action, JP-branded, suction-cup-dart shotgun. That was a birthday to behold.