B Town

Yeah, there's really no reason to get this upset about it. It is a series of dolls. A man who can make dolls is being promoted. This cost you nothing, your soul is intact. Move forward.

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When I was in high school, I used to say U2 was my favorite band. Then "All That You Can't Leave Behind" happened, and I got laughed at quite a bit. I was a big ol' wuss and that really kept me from pursuing the rest of their back catalogue, namely Pop and Zooropa.

I saw it. Actually, it's not bad - or at least, nowhere near as headbangingly shit-tacular as Twilight. In fact, "Beautiful Creatures" has a formidable villain, a driving narrative, a teen romance that's at least faintly charming played by two likable actors, and the girl holds all the power. After watching women

"Three brief interludes that feature Williams singing over ukulele are pleasant but inconsequential."
Just watch as one of those bland ukelele ballads goes to #1 on iTunes as their third single. Kids fucking love ukes.

Take a look at how well Identity Thief did. With the most hideous marketing campaign imaginable, that told you nothing about the movie. Co-starring Jason "Box Office Poison" Bateman.

Brian DePalma: Oh fucking Christ, are we still watching this scene? Here…

Clerks was genuinely exciting and new. The animated series was also promising.

Yes to all of this. I think Girls is actually a perfectly fine show, often capable of some of the funniest lines on TV (except for the king of the line-o-ramas, Archer). But it's a show tailor-made for a group of people we despise the stereotype of, and it's a show that doesn't make its characters very easy to love.

Yes. Then they dance to Reggaeton. It is the visual manifestation of Diet Dr. Pepper.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a car chase where a guy powerslides into a ramp, spins his car 180 degrees to face backwards, switches to reverse in mid-air, and hits the ground driving backwards? I could swear I've seen that.

Fasevent and Furiouseven

My favorite parts in 5 were when the anointed Hot Chick stripped down to her bikini to get a handprint from the bad guy on her ass - and when she disrobed, she was so skeletal that the entire theater gasped in shock.

In his later years, he'd often get criticized for championing fluffy, stupid kid's movies like Garfield. And sure, on one level, flicks like the Garfield movie are as cynical and pandering as anything. But Ebert was definitely opposed to nihilism for nihilism's sake - if all a violent, cynical movie had to go on was

Video Games are an art form - new, exciting, flawed and loaded with an insane amount of potential. Sorry Ebert, you were unquestionably a master and I'm heartbroken to see you go, but you were wrong.

Time hasn't been kind (I already sound like the kind of asshole I hate by saying that phrase), but watch The Mask again.

Jack Black isn't trying to be a handsome leading man / action star. Most women in Hollywood are practically supermodels, which puts them at 5'8" or so, and more in heels. So Tom Cruise has to wear shoe lifts or stand on boxes.

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Rumor has it the only reason he signed on to do Air Force One was so he could say "get off my plane." They were attempting to change the line on the day of the shoot and he stopped everyone to politely explain that there was no fucking way they were changing it.

In a theater, the first 20 minutes of Bruno are funnier than anything in Borat. But admittedly it petered out insanely fast.