Audience Member

That's very punk rock of you. Your trophy patch is in the mail.

But once again - both of those shows were super costly. And they're giving "Sense8" a proper ending with a movie. No one cared enough about "The Get Down" to want a proper ending and it probably would have cost $50 million to do it anyway.

Man, "Wow"'s been out for more than a year. And "Dreams" was released two years ago. This thing has been gestating for awhile.

I believe that Amelie in her Tolerability Scale referred to it as the perfect night of comedy finally arriving and it was so true. I'll say there has never been as solid of a block of comedy. It was untouchable for like two years before The Office got bad and Community had the big shake-up.

They occasionally pull these types of specials out. They did it before in 2012 during election season to air on Must See Thursdays, back when life was good and that block of comedy existed. It's not unprecedented, is usually funny and is made on the cheap. It makes sense.

Dammit. I can't argue with that.

Counterpoint: It's a lot of fun. And it's hilarious to think that Miley is some country bumpkin that just hopped off a plane with nothing but a dream in the big ol' scary city!

They produced 5 out of the 12 tracks, which is one more than SLL. He just has some really weird picks for this. That Dr. Luke song (which, also, gross) is a straight-up Pitbull/Flo Rida sounding song with Big Boi rapping over it.

The day Kinja comes is the day I stop visiting this site. I just don't understand how a comment system like that is appealing to anyone.

I can understand the point about Speakerboxx, even if I disagree. I think both are two of the weaker entries in Outkast's discography.

I think both "Speakerboxx" and "TLB" both have equal highs and lows, but "Sir Lucious" is probably the best Outkast-related album since "Stankonia." But 3000 has consistently had killer features over the past decade, while Big Boi's talents have been quickly eroding since SLL ("Boomiverse" is Flo Rida levels of bland

I was referring to this:

Judging by his last two albums, this is a hard no.

It's weird to read that he doesn't enjoy doing the features he's been on because they're routinely excellent and he usually sounds pretty excited and charismatic.

According to the article, he designs, jumps on other people's tracks and noodles around with music, which is pretty much what I would expect from him.

In those cases, I usually don't comment because it seems pretty insensitive to do so in a story where a guy jokingly advocates for the killing of a trans person.

I loved for how ridiculous it was. Also, that they used the same exact footage of the guys dumping the toxic waste in twice. And of course, Jason Schwartzman drinking it with his travel spoon.

You mean Lil' Bille Joe Armstrong?

That title could really fuck up a kid's night when they stayed up late, hoping to catch some skin shows on HBO at 1 a.m. and finding out it's a silly comedy.