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It's going to be fascinating to find out, isn't it? I'd say the Jaime who left KL wouldn't have cared much about Joffrey either way, but the one who is returning just might.

@avclub-2462a76f718c97cfa773e42865b6ae51:disqus That would be great. Everyone's been desperately trying to pawn that sorry place off on whichever petty noble will take it, and it ends up being key to the salvation of Westeros.

@avclub-7833d176ad6f6dde5efc95848e6f47a8:disqus I did too! I can't wait for, like, the sixth rewatch of S1 before S7 begins.

I think since she hand-picked the best killers the Iron Islands has to offer, we're supposed to assume they're all Level 100 ninja barbarians. That guy with the scar seemed pretty badass to me.

Absolutely. Many other shows would be improved by just the acting talent of clan Greyjoy, let alone the dozens of others that are crammed into every hour of GoT. For example, when Aaemon Targaryen appeared on screen my fanboy heart did a little celebratory jig.

@avclub-7833d176ad6f6dde5efc95848e6f47a8:disqus Excellent point. Joffrey broke the established rules of the Game by killing Ned, and it's kind of all gone to shit since then.

Also like that he had no patience for his son's religious fanaticism, and has awesome pirates for friends.

This was highlighted by that beautiful shot of Jon and Ygritte on top of the wall. Cold and frosty to the north, but still nice and temperate to the south.


@avclub-491c9743d251c3dba93f72771a27ed5c:disqus I see what you're saying about Dany not fully grasping the consequences of her actions. But she's never claimed an intent to minimize damage along the way, has she? If anything, she frequently declares her intent to wreck serious havoc on anyone who stands in the way of

@avclub-be0f8833e0c38be119979a949a2da1cf:disqus I took it that way too. Dany's translator had just listed off her titles, including Mother of Dragons. I suppose they could have riffed off something like "Unburnt", instead, but it makes sense that they would be pretty damn impressed with her dragons. 
Also, it seemed to

Did the show imply they were inferior because of their race, or because they were slaves? It seems to me that a bunch of just-freed caucasians would have a similar reaction. 

@avclub-82cf46948ca0f531a256e38473c9282f:disqus I hope that what exactly happened at Winterfell is eventually explained. If it's building up to some kind of reveal, then great. Otherwise it's too murky for my taste.

@avclub-ce11a6d53c3c8c10c196e2114a8d5149:disqus Is M(OD)ILF a thing yet?

Yeah, what was the bit about Robb offering amnesty to the Iron Born in exchange for Theon?



In a good way, I mean.

I applaud your ability to state this without hinting at anything, and your willingness to leave now that you are no longer Unsullied.

Yep. If anything, Joffrey is un-rightfully anointed, because his family knew he lacked Baratheon blood, yet put him in Robert's place anyways. They highjacked the throne with even less rationale than Robert did, and deserve what they get in return.