Not Today

I bet he's going to have a long, roundabout visionquest before he gets back to Winterfell. Maybe he mind jumps into that badass giant and kills off half Mance's army before they get to the wall?

Disagree about Arya's progress. She had sparring lessons from Tywin; met "a man" and acquired a One Free Kill coin; made a connection with the Brotherhood w/o Banners; became buddies with Gendry; met Melisandre; and now has The Hound exactly where she wants him. For a character who is ostensibly just wandering around

Frey probably got Robb, Cat, Talisa and Baby Ned's weight in silver, plus marriage arrangements to some of those pretty Lannister cousins.

By the Old Gods and the New, now that's a fascinating question! How to even make a prediction? I'm still not even sure we've seen the last twist in this season yet. (They followed the Episode 9: Fireworks Factory formula again, but who's to say they won't blindside us with more crazy shit this week?)

Yes, more like everyone who manages to stay alive is moving in towards the moral murky middle.

In a "normal" show, with an uncertain future from year to year and a script written on the fly, there wouldn't be time for Sansa to do a 180•. On this show, I'm practically expecting it. Especially now that, to her knowledge, she's the last of her family — time to suck it up — and she has the best underdog in Westeros

I think that's it precisely. The only thing he does in person that's even remotely badass is threaten a chained prisoner while standing behind a giant wolf, and decapitating an angry old man who willingly lays his head on the chopping block for it.

This is really funny, and coming as it did at something like comment number 2099, I actually shed a couple tears of relief. Thank you.

Yes. Plus, they probably needed to set something up in the Dany story to get to where they're going to leave us hanging at the end of the next episode. Hopefully with more CGI dragons and shit.

This is circular, but obviously Robb wasn't fit to be a king, or to think like one, and he paid for trying to fit the role. Like Ned, he had no ambitions for a more powerful, risky role, but when the opportunity came knocking, he answered the door.

Nah. Pretty sure it's Hodor.

Brienne and Bronn together in the same room would be amazing.

Insanely long; I've read 'em all.

@avclub-bf59aaafb2d7eef459b48b5a0d49fac4:disqus We haven't seen Littlefinger's wedding yet, so I was just assuming it hadn't happened yet. There's no way they deprive us of his arrival at court in the Vale, is there? "I want to see the bad man fly!"

@avclub-94c52c22e9daa36a5c8da95c2a3575d1:disqus Even given all the ways GRRM works against convention, it's hard to see how Arya doesn't come back to avenge her family. If she really does just get randomly whacked two seasons from now, then I'll be stunned. (No, I don't know. No, "Experts", I don't want to know.

@avclub-7dc8b441cf4e6fe9bc806679c4579e68:disqus Holy fuck! That's a good one.

Not today, brother. 3211 and counting… 17 pages!

I'm just hoping Grandma Tyrell gets to plant a dagger in Tywin's eye hole.

I agree about the ambiguity of the Lannisters, with the exception of Cersei —can't think of any "good guy" moments for her yet. Certainly got dealt a bad hand in being married off to Robert — but with the power of being queen, probably could have made something better of it.

Tywin's married people off to whores before. Someone suggested upthread that Edmure's attractive bride wasn't actually a Frey, which has an added dose of Lannister style mean-spirited trickiness to it.