Not Today

Sometimes I just fucking love the Internet.

"Will GRRM end it on a really dark note or is he shooting for an uplifting ending?"


I like the idea of the writer(s) turning the tables on our established loyalties at some point, like an endgame that comes down to Tyrion vs. Dany. It seems unlikely to me, too, but if this show has taught us anything so far it's to beware the obvious and expect regular curveballs.

I keep thinking of Dany's dream/vision sequence when she was in the House of the Undying, where she walks through the throne room in Kings Landing and there are holes in the roof and snow coming in. That seems to have all sorts of juicy foreshadowing implications.

There should be a Kickstarter for this.

I think this implication is that she's just that awesome.

Is that the case? I would have thought that his Kingsguard oath and it's restrictions would stand for life, whether he was still on 'active duty' or not. If he can become the Lannister heir again, that's going to be an amazing complication.

He's even going into opposite mode now.

I wish this feature ran more than 10 times per year.

I figured she'd be dead in the next scene. Now I'm afraid Joffrey's going to get her, too.

@avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus This deserves a dozen more likes just for the phrase "unhappy middles".

Speaking of Arya's crazy aunt, maybe The Hound will figure out that Littlefinger could have an interest. That would be either terrible for Arya, or super great if she gets to practice her stabbing skills on him.

Perfect. You can negate me any time.

It's like this whole show is just a big setup for the ending. Why couldn't they have put that in S1:E1 and saved us all the trouble?

Rumor has it that the showrunners have said 10 episodes per year is the maximum they can do. Considering that they're probably planning on doing this for 3-5 more seasons, I can't say I blame them. That said, like you, I think a few more episodes per season would be fantastic.

I expect Cersei to make a few next season. It's right in her wheelhouse.

Seems like forever, amirite?

But the show has deities that are presented as literally existing; all sorts of people with magic powers; a rogue priest who can raise the dead. In that context, what's the problem with a lady with dragons getting a messiah complex?

I was thinking that everyone there knows about it — Tywin and Cersei certainly; but perhaps not Joffrey. But they've collectively agreed to play along, which makes Pycelle dropping the letter even more of a dick move. They all know he did it to Tyrion on purpose, and they know Tyrion knows, but he'd have to stoop to