Not Today

Hey, I don't have time to read 8 pages of comments, but am I the only one who noticed that SAM DROPPED THE KNIFE?!

I assumed the amount and types of nudity shown were more the result of focus group testing than creative decision making. Maybe that's too cynical.

(not too long; read)

I hope something like your theory ends up being the case, even if it's kind of a far-fetching procedural thing by the writers. It'd be better than a LOST-style plot hole that was left open to add drama to the season finale.

Hunh. Frickin' ArchMages. Never around when you need one.

I suspect this impression is mostly due to the long lag between short seasons. Eight runtime hours ago she was in deep trouble, and seemed clueless about how to proceed. But we've now gone for a month of real time where she's kicking ass and taking names, so it's easy to forget how wildly her fortunes have swung in

It's somewhat amazing to me that after 27 episodes, people (the AV Club reviewers included) are still complaining about the show spending so much time "arranging the chessboard". That is what the show is about! The action that results seems, rather intentionally, to be a byproduct of the arranging.

My guess is they're setting Tywin up for an internal rebellion, too. At the moment, he's got it all under control, but at the expense of pushing his progeny to their limits.

I hope this is explored further as the series goes on. The way that all these supernatural aspects are re-emerging at the same is cool, as is the interplay between magic and religion. It will be interesting if they prove to be interconnected; if we eventually get to see that the sources of power behind, say, the White

To be fair, that prostitute was from Winterfell. Good schools.

The Westeros School Board still hasn't added anything about Global Cooling to the curriculum. Partisan bastards.

I was disappointed, though, that the Walker came right at Sam. Had been hoping that the obsidian dagger/spear head he was holding was the reason the entire WW army mysteriously walked past him at the end of last season.

I'd have gone with Tywin, Daenerys and Mance.

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus Wait — I thought that was Gendry?

OK, then Time Bandits!

Tywin keeps the peace. Dany makes a new friend. Sam forgets something important.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus You had me at "If it was an AD&D Dagger…"

Sam is the male Sansa.

Smash cut to Tommen screeching, "I want to see the bad man fly!"

I was 100% certain that Bronn was going to make an appearance in the post-wedding bedchamber. Bummer.