
Just goes to show that even when this show attempts to be edgy it does so in half measures. Because god for bid it really goes for broke and shows him murdered a legitimately kind hearted, decent minister. The show's creators have to make him really loathsome to make the murder more palatable and easy to accept,

I know it is a work of futility to nitpick all the little things this show gets so wrong, but I gotta say I was laughing at how Bacon, a trained law enforcer, was handling his gun as he went up stairs to rescue the kid. His right index fingers was placed square on the slide, and if this were reality he'd get a nifty

This would be a great prop for the film I'm making based on my as yet unpublished book, "Billy and the Cloneosaurus."

That tale makes me wonder if, five hundred years from now, Johnny Knoxville or Adam Sandler will be discussed in the same way as Chaucer is now…

They were originally just Timber, but ran afoul of Canada's official bilingualism doctrine.

I think Veena Sud invited a lot of the hate, after she gave some really obnoxious interviews during the nadir that was the end of season 1. Needless to say she seemed to think very highly of herself, and spared no time in emphasizing how brilliant and original the show was.

I propose a new, theoretical grade, akin to the plausible yet unknowable + C in integral calculus. A theoretical grade that exists someone on a plane between the known quantity F which has heretofore been assumed to be the worst possible grade in a physical world governed by Newtonian and Einsteinian principles, and

Also, I must say I'm digging Emma's new Lisbeth Salander guise. Last year's look made me…uncomfortable.

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could cheat code through life? I'd want invincibility, turbo and DK mode, because that would be hilarious.

Well we all know how Disney felt about those Jews.

It's an open secret that God is bicurious. I mean, he loves ALL his creations. What's up with that?


Magic rings, Aryan ideals and thinly veiled anti-semitism. What's not to love?

People have clamored for a new adaptation of the 120 Days of Sodom.

Mahabarata all the way. I'd love to see the Bhagavad Gita, with Ryan Reynolds as Vishnu: "Now I am become awesome!"

Some people say I aim too high, but I like to think I just have really great taste. Granted I've never had a girlfriend, but that's just coincidental.

While the studios are at it milking the public domain for new franchises, how about a stirring multipart adaptation of The Canterbury Tales, or the Decameron.

I dunno, maybe it's time they give the Sixth Doctor's rainbow coat another go.

2 Bs and an A- in as many weeks? Well clearly this show is in a creative and qualitative spiral downward from which it will never, ever return.

Sorry but she's already committed to me..just as soon as she replies to one my letters. Any day now…