
I'm perfectly fine with comparing to the past, and declaring these new episodes to be crimes against humanity.

Exactly. What homophobia boils down to is a lack of empathy, of putting ourselves in other people's shoes. Because if they'd all just think for a sec, and ask of themselves, "Did I make a choice to be straight?" they might realize that it stands to reason that homosexuals didn't choose either.

And on that note, the WORST trailer ever is the one for "The Graduate." It gives the whole fucking movie away. In fact, don't watch it if you've never seen the movie, and were planning on it:

Well..one less person in Florida now.

My all time favorite is the trailer for Amadeus. Just the right length, captures the tone of the film perfectly, and reveals just enough to get you hooked and wanting more, without spoiling anything.

No hard proof, but apparently something of an open secret.

Yes, in fact I remember the exact moment when I decided I was going to be attracted to females my entire life. I was five and I distinctly remember thinking, "Am I going to be attracted to men or women?" I mulled over the pros and cons of each, and then finally decided that I would indeed opt to be exclusively

Damn you know your stuff. Very cool, I respect someone who brings real world knowledge to this. Do you play, or do you have a musicological background?

Well at least they refrained from the term "Family Jewels."

I know, right? I mean, surely they stood out in their olive drab what with all that snow.

I heard he was dead…along with the entire lineup. They really should pick living players.

And then Armisen conceived of Portlandia as a way to gain her attention, only for her to instead hook up with Carrie Brownstein, and he's been bitter ever since.

The one thing this video needs is Andres Cantor shouting: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe she and Carrie Brownstein are an item (the latter is known to frequent her concerts).

That's what happens when you stare at David Byrnes. You're supposed to avert your eyes when in the presence of such eminence.

I've never seen her live in concert, but I've heard she knows how to shred a guitar…

Not sure if you're being tongue in cheek or if you're making a serious request, but if the latter, I'd be glad to read it. I work as a scriptwriter, primarily non-fiction however.

And its just that the trailers are so fucking uninspired. Most are usually rapidly cut moments, with a grim narrator, and fast paced, percussive music with gasping voices, and it climaxes and cuts to black, followed by one character panting heavily and saying…"Oh my god…" Then one more bang! Title. Coming 8.8.14.

Apparently based on real life. The phone was only gold plated, not solid gold, and is on display in Cuba.

Honestly, do we even need trailers any more, at least, in theaters? Don't they already have more impact by streaming online? I don't know anyone who goes to the theater excited or anticipating what new trailers are coming out…unless there is advance notice of something really anticipated that can't be shown