
Yeah his replacement was much better….though I think the show's highwater mark was that terrific episode where blondie and Budnick wind up confined to the nurse's station after faking sick, and end up bonding over jigsaw puzzles, ice cream and telemundo.

Issue one with Stewart: I hate, hate, hate when he resorts to the tie wiggle and mmmm..hmmmmmm that's goooood [insert phrase]. Makes me cringe every time.

Oh no! Well I'll just have to close out AOL, unplug the modem on my Gateway Pentium II and hunker down with my VHS deck until this all blows over.

Man I still remember when Kilborn left and Stewart replaced him, having a lot of doubts as to the future of the show. I don't think I've ever been so wrong in my entire life, and I'm glad for it.

If you ask me that planetoid was just asking for it, and got what it deserved.

The fingers used to dial this number are too fat. If you'd like to order a special dialing wand, mash down on the keypad now.

Here you go. Now I can't say the info is 100 percent uptodate, but I feel it is pretty accurate, because the 70mm afficionados out there are a dedicated bunch. There's dudes out there who'll even know what kind of projection system (Century JJ, Norelco DP70) the theater has. They know their stuff.

For taking what once was a simple letter delivered to Congress, and turning it into a cause celebre full of platitudes and empty promises that has been screwing up primetime programming ever since, I say fuck you Woodrow Wilson.

Sadly not many. Wikipedia has a pretty comprehensive list of theaters, and which are film and which are digital. You'd be looking at a special engagement type affair, such as at one of the 15/70 equipped theaters in LA.

He likely had it written into his contract a clause stipulating a limited run of traditional film prints.

This is probably because Nolan, who has long been an advocate of large format cinematography, has shot large portions of Interstellar in 65mm (either 5 perf Panavision, or 15 perf Imax), and wants to reserve the right to exhibit in true fashion in those theaters still equipped with Imax film projection.

So they accepted your MMF offer?

I would SO watch a spinoff series starring her "Good Wife" character.

The fact that Terry Gilliam has actually completed a new film, and no one died or was grievously injured in its making, is cause enough for celebration. Let's just keep our fingers crossed the entire cast survives through the press junket and premieres…

Yeah he kinda exudes a strung out heroin user vibe…

His most notable recent work was deflowering Chuck Charles.

Not whimsical enough. Try Bumbleputty, Scadgers and Chazzwhit, esq.

I haven't felt this awful since I saw that Ronald Reagan film!

And long before that, it was worn by Sergeant York during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.

I guess we have to blame this phenomenon on Hannibal Lector, but I'm really fucking tired of the cliche of the serial killer gourmand. It worked with Lector, but subsequently it seems a cheap trick to give a killer some character depth and texture, rather than, you know, ACTUALLY CRAFT A BACKSTORY.