
The Baby Song always cracked me up because it just comes out of nowhere. For a band that displayed little humor on their records it is a nice change of pace.

Pills make you paranoid.

Pills make you paranoid.

The Sandler movie quote that seems to sum up this review…"He called the shit,poop". 

The Sandler movie quote that seems to sum up this review…"He called the shit,poop". 

I love this band. Such a great sloppy fun sound.

I love this band. Such a great sloppy fun sound.

Beating up niggers who sell fake crack.

Beating up niggers who sell fake crack.

HE had a show?

HE had a show?

She look DAMN good  in that dress during her party. Speaking of which, where did she get those kids from? It's not like she would know party kids, she was super religious and sheltered before getting turned.

She look DAMN good  in that dress during her party. Speaking of which, where did she get those kids from? It's not like she would know party kids, she was super religious and sheltered before getting turned.

Up on the hilltops where the vultures perch,that's where I'm gonna build my church.

Up on the hilltops where the vultures perch,that's where I'm gonna build my church.

But Bengals only get drunk,get pot Fed Exed to their house or get into barfights. Plus, I hate the Steelers.

But Bengals only get drunk,get pot Fed Exed to their house or get into barfights. Plus, I hate the Steelers.

WHO DEY! BENGALS. Fuck the Steelers and their rapist QB!

WHO DEY! BENGALS. Fuck the Steelers and their rapist QB!

Finally got a definition of "dad-rock". I never knew what that was supposed to mean. Especially after someone on here told me Husker Du was dad-rock. My Dad listened to country,so it made no sense. But wait, I'm a dad…I'm confused again. Are the Butthole Surfers dad-rock? I played Lady Sniff for my son once. He didn't