
Finally got a definition of "dad-rock". I never knew what that was supposed to mean. Especially after someone on here told me Husker Du was dad-rock. My Dad listened to country,so it made no sense. But wait, I'm a dad…I'm confused again. Are the Butthole Surfers dad-rock? I played Lady Sniff for my son once. He didn't

I agree. Instead  we got Larry the Cable Guy in Europe.

I agree. Instead  we got Larry the Cable Guy in Europe.

FUCK YEAH! Royal Headache are the shiz.

FUCK YEAH! Royal Headache are the shiz.

The interactive features on HBOGO explained about the necklace. I didn't remember either.

The interactive features on HBOGO explained about the necklace. I didn't remember either.

You guys must be quite a bit younger than met to remember all this Power Ranger stuff. My step-daughter watched it when it first appeared over here and the only thing I took out of it was the original Pink Ranger was kinda cute.

If TWC refers to TimeWarnerCable then you should be able to get HBOGo  Weasels Ripped My Flesh. Thats what I have and I get it.

"I just shit a little"

What is rdio? Can't you guys use a format that is already popular? Like Spotify. I actually don't know if Spotify is popular but its what I use and I refuse to do whatever that plug in wants me to just to hear this shit.

False. If you don't hit in the pocket like Gallo was its a bitch to get strikes. And I call BS on that' I average 140 without bowling much.'Unless you are absolutely killing it strikes aint that easy.

Most balls that you can buy have a counterweight that will make them curve like that. Gallo had his own ball in that scene. Different balls curve at different angles. Research a little if you are planning on buying and find one that matches your arm motion.
House balls are just round rocks.

That character was crazy powerful in the Marvel Super Heroes role playing game.

Ahhh, Hulk 300. I've got that issue in a box at my mom's house.

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that Topless Robot had done this already.

rawburn, I figured from that devious look on Theon's face that he planned on   something more than just screwing over the Starks. Surely, he doesn't crave Daddy's love so much he would attack his friends just for his approval?

Ya know, when the post that tells you how annoying you are gets 24 likes, maybe you should take the hint and stay out of the Newbies thread. I'm sure there are plenty of folks on the experts thread to talk to.

No shit, I think he likes the attention he gets when posting here.

Tim Hardaway says "my crossover is fun-da-mental". Mutumbo responds, "dunk on dem"