
The Walking Dead comic starts in my hometown of Cynthiana,KY. Tony Moore,the original artist, is from here. Not sure about Kirkman,though.

This sucks. I missed them when they came through town last summer but wasnt too worried because I just knew they would be back soon.

The lead singer of GWAR just died.

I just wanna say I have baby Milo from "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" tattooed on my arm. Bad decision?

You have a cool grandma! If I had grandkids then their papaw(I'm in the South) would have heard them too.

GWAR- Salaminizer.
Well, its partially a reimagining of Gangsta Gangsta but still…

I saw that tour and it was awesome. The old biker looking group behind us at the show were NOT impressed with Sonic Youth. During one of SY's guitar freakouts the biker lady said :"They really think they're doin' somethin' up there,don't they". Then they smoked a joint with us. Ah, the 90s,when you could still smoke

I still try to "finger squish" people.

This "game" confuses the hell out of me. I kept clicking different cards on first level and getting the little holochess pieces but never did move beyond that. Maybe its because I'm going through my own break up and don't have the patience for a virtual one.


Wow, I would have never realized the guy from Kick-Ass is the guy in Savages who wasn't on Friday Night Lights.

E) Fuck all y'all          Ice Cube

Criminal Minds,people,c'mon.

Wasn't that the Skaarsgard fella from True Blood as one of his model buddies?

Tremors is the movie I watched the first time I smoked pot and I found it hilarious. I haven't watched it since but always knew it wasn't just the weed that made the movie so damn neat.

MCRIB IS AWESOME WITH EXTRA PICKLES. I only eat a couple a year, though.

Here's a song with a Texas Chainsaw 2 sample. Devil's Playground by Nine Pound Hammer. From Kentucky bitches.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgB…

I was too young for Fast Times so this movie started my never ending crush on Phoebe Cates. So when I finally saw "that scene" in Fast Times…let's just say my mind was blown.

I was too young for Fast Times so this movie started my never ending crush on Phoebe Cates. So when I finally saw "that scene" in Fast Times…let's just say my mind was blown.

I have spent time in one room doing lots of blow and their conversation is dead on the kind of circular talks that a good coke binge will bring on.