
Gladiator, Black Hawk Down and Blade Runner all rule! Thats the long and short of it. I really just wanted to say that.
His brother Tony made True Romance. Which also rules.

UK wins in Basketball, Florida in football.

I've actually tried reading this. While normally a fan of Chucks I just couldnt force myself past 3 chapters of this shit. The bold-type names are distracting to the eye plus the story line is boring as hell. Chucks past few offerings have really gone down hill and are almost unreadable. This coming from a guy who

Anyone notice Raylon wearing a Florida Gators t-shirt when he got his ass kicked at the beginning? In an episode featuring an ex-UK "player" no less. Living in the Bluegrass State I know that the majority of our population are DIE HARD Wildcat fans and having KY boy Raylon wearing one of our chief SEC rivals

Got much Joey love. All the classic Anthrax tunes are Joey.
JOEYYYYY…farts the fart the farts he farted
i pick my fuckin nose but i'm not retarded

God yes! While she's incredible to look at Beyonce's music is fucking awful. The worst part is that fake ass female empowerment vibe she hangs on everything.

ugh, modern Aerosmith almost renders their back catalog unlistenable.

thats the funniest part. That boob had to know he would be getting arrested. He couldnt get his pals to hold his stash. Of course that dick was probably holding out on his friends and didnt let them know he was holding.

wow choose your own adventure books. they were the greatest! did you ever read the ones(different imprint i think) where you needed dice? It had you roll up some stats then you'd battle monsters that appeared in the book.

Havana Affair. I dont wanna go down to the basement.
I dont remember the Ramones' I dont wanna grow up" Pretty sure thats The Descendents.

Thundarr was so cool. I was born in 72 and remember alot of these toons. That image of moon broken in half has always stuck with me for some reason. Hell, when Mr. Show was doing the"NASA's gonna blow up the moon" bit the first thing that came to mind was Thundarr's moon. But does anyone remember how there were a

Speaking of the driving scenes: When Raylon was on his way to Big Sandy prison, there was a profile shot out the driver side window. Even my son said "theres no way Kentucky is that flat." Its true, Big Sandy is in the deep mountains of Eastern Kentucky and the background was just WAY off. Not to be the guy from KY

In Kentucky
I live in Kentucky and find it exciting but slightly jarring to hear the characters mention stuff like "lexington" and other Bluegrass State features. Maybe its because this is the only show I can remember set in my home state. Has anyone else had a show set in an Unusual(for TV) place that they're

Jeez, I've just spent the last 9:12 watching that. must..not..click..part…two

i cant wait to show my 14 year old son this. We must have watched the Goofy Movie a thousand times when before he was old enough to go to school. That and Toy Story.

I gotta agree with SoH. there have been some hot women on his shows. Shit, Charisma is in my top 5.

Oh I wanna punch those vj's! That was a totally generic RnB track and those fools act like it was the second coming of Marvin Gaye.
Everytime I hear that auto-tune robot voice it I get waiting for someone to jump in with "no parkin,baby…no parkin on the dance floor"

I've spent the last half hour watching Louis CK on you tube. I fuckin love that guy. He's the funniest comedian since Bill Hicks,IMO.

I have a green Metallica guitar pick thrown by Hammet. It has the snake logo from the black album.
Oh! Jello Biafra signed my cassette(thats right,I'm old) of Frankenchrist! It didnt look like anything but scribbling but I watched him scribble on it. You guys know how short that feller is? I'm not a tall guy by any

I dont know where kids will go
When I was young and spending all my allowance on comics there were probably 5 or 6 places to find them in my tiny town. 2 or 3 drug stores,some conviencience stores, hell, the big grocery store in town carried comics too. But,nowadays, I dont see comics on a newstand anywhere. I