
I've never gotten into the Dead's music, too much noodling. So yeah, I dont like jam bands. But I do wish I coulda seen them live. Because I love drugs.

The Chili Peppers early shit was cool as hell. At least it was to me at 15. When Uplift Mofo Party Plan came out. Oh, Mothers Milk is a great album. hate all you want that shit rocked in 89

Damn Jorge you on top of shit. I forgot all about that episode.
So what you're saying is my disappointment is misplaced?

Carrion Comfort
Holy shit this book is kick ass. I bet I have 5 or 6 Simmons paperbacks in my collection but the one I lend out is CARRION COMFORT. It really seems to get a reaction out of people. I dont wanna say what parts really seem to rile the others who've read it but they always mention how they didnt see it

Del Toro better hurry up as he looks as unhealthy as Pete Jackson used to.

Smoking Man
Am I the only one who was hoping that this was going to be like that ep. of X-Files when they revealed all that cool ass backstory on the Smoking MAn? I guess I had my hopes up a bit to high for this show but was really wanting to see the history of HRG not just a recap of the past month of shows. Man,

There should be no hate on AFRICA. Damn I thought that song was the coolest when I was a kid and it was all over the radio. Thats right, I remember when it was a top 40 hit.
I'm old.
or getting there.

Best speech ever?
I gotta say this is the only acceptance speech I have ever gave 2 shits about. Absolutely hilarious.
Who's Lil Gap Tooth?
The chick that plays his daughter? Is she the same chick that dated Manson?

Yeah, that dig on Ribisisisisi seemed like a reach.

Age of Desire is the one with the super-aphrodisiac right? Good lord nobody would make that fuckin movie. Not the way the story's written anyway.
I'll never forget the line; "necrophilia had become quite the fashion"
Fuckin creepy
But man I used to love me some Clive Barker. I wish he had been able to keep up the promise

ya know, I guess you're right. But it wasnt the WHOLE ep. Most of it was that lame ass kidnapping shit. Those idiots on Without a Trace would have handled that better than she did.

I am in Kentucky. Its about a 2 hour drive to Cincy from here.



HAHA Fuck the Cowboys. If only they were as pathetic as my beloved Cincy Bengals. Just learned that they slapped the franchise tag on their…wait for it…kicker. Plus our 2 best offensive players are probably gone as free agents, woe..woe is me. But still fuck the cowboys.

Who wanted those lame ass power wheels anyway? They suuuucked. It was a shame it looked like Bigfoot but could barely drive thru tall grass. Gimmee my Stu Thompson edition Huffy any day of the week. Or hell, my old Bandit huffy with the wicked curved handle bars. Got that shit from a yard sale and still had the

Didnt he have promise?
Wasnt there a time when Matty Mcshirtless was rumored to have talent? Or is it aknowledged now that his character in Dazed is the same character he is always playing. Just without the weed. It makes me wanna quit saying,"It be cooler if you did" just becuz he such a dickweed nowadays. Fuck this

Just finished HULUing this.(is that the proper hip term,ya know, like Tivo'd) It aint too bad. Maybe it will get better. But it does have serious Quatum Leap parallels. every week I see Echo getting a new persona to combat the baddie of the week. Unless, there is a ep. where some rich dude hires her to be his fuck

Oh and I watched a shit load of charmed with my girlfriend. I watched it for the women, not sure what she got out of it. I yelled 'Dwight" when he showed up. Damn, that show was super goofy.

were you able to find one? I cant seem to find anything. During the spring and summer I paint houses for cash money but cant seem to find a job with benifets and that kinda stuff.