
the lyric sheet says its " Yo, garson,the check"

Hell yeah. That set of DVDs is the shit. Its fun watchin the different cuts of the videos with the bad ass remixes.

Oh I've drank some Brass Monkey, that funky monkey. In high school. If I remember right it had an orange juicy flovor.

I know how to do the Popeye and the jerry lewis. How I came by this knowledge I will never know.

Different countries
I read an article somewhere about how the ask the audience plays out in different countries. It stated that the russian audience is helpful unless the player is already into big money then they give them the wrong answer. Americans are always trying to actually help the player and the French

I ask this later but…
This is for all you other old fucks out here. What color was your cassette? I had a yellow one. My buddy had a green one.

Oh. my. gawd. Sorry to get all tweeny but that picture…

I like V also. No, it wasnt as good as the comic but the movie wasnt terrible either.

haha How many quarters did I spend being a bad enough dude?

I quit in the subway. But the goons did seem to to stuck at the edge of on the lightbeams. How come I couldnt be Rorshach. Stupid free game with only 2 playable characters.

how about "Keilbasa" by Tenacious D. We all know thats not about a tasty sausage. Well…I guess it is if your tastes run to that.

oh I just thought of another one Like a Hurricane by Neil Young. Yes?
Maddy by The Descendents. Thats my daughters name though , so maybe not.
"I wanna be your boyfreind" Ramones. c'mon people I cant believe no one had used this one.

Fuckin "time after time" is a GREAT song. Dont let anyone tell you different. Everybody loves to chime in with the I WILL BE WAITING!
Kinda like "total eclipse of the heart" Turn around,BRIGHT EYES

since we're putting 'pussy control' on there why not the secret bonus song from Chili Peppers Uplift Mofo Party PLan?

Nobody ever used WITHIN YOUR REACH by the Replacements?

dammit I was so close. Why did my comment appear up there first for a few minutes? Damn AVClub conspiricy is what it is.

@Flashman never saw Darkplace. So I cant opine on it. But I dont like any of the live action shows. Tim and Eric included. As a matter of fact I would fistfight both those idiots if I ever run into them. I dont know why they irritate me so much but they do. Tim and Eric, toby Keith and Paris Hilton are the famous

I'll be the first to say Phoenix did a great job selling this on Dave.

Really what do people expect? Its a remake for one. Of a not-that-great horror movie. Should it be more of a parody of itself? sure. But didnt Craven already do that with Scream?

Another thing that irritates me about Adult Swim are the live action shows. Why? Maybe because its on Cartoon fuckin Network so I wanna see some fuckin animation. Not fugly retards trying and failing to be funny. I cannot think of one live action show on AS that has made me laugh. Let that shit go back to YouTube