
Yes Jug but later she got that guy back on, made his lying ass cry like a bitch and made him and his publisher admit he faked the whole thing.
But I'm sure these guys would give Larry King a heart attack.

i dont get this show
Now I love Adult Swim's stuff, usually. But this show…I just dont know. I think a show about people trying to interview those 2 guys would be consitently funnier than Xavier. I'd like to see them pull this shit on Oprah. She'd have them 2 crying about the lack of hugs from their fathers' inside of

the funniest sketch on MadTV
was the one with the riff on Almost Famous where the kid from Rolling Stone interviews fred Durst. "and then in 7th grade I met and imitated my first black person."
speaking to the makeup wearing guitar player, "put on this tiger suit. You will be the super dopest guitar playinest tiger the

I just read Leary's new book. Theres some funny stuff in there.

I was real into the Deftones for a couple of albums, White Ponyand the one before it but they got old pretty quickly.

The make a wish comment made me laugh. I wonder if i could convince my son to pretend he's deathly ill…or maybe I could get Davy Jones to show up and drive me.
But I am trying to figure out who I can get to lend me their vehicle. Oh Heche why dont u Paypal me some of your untold riches so I can quit being poor. You

I havent had a "the Presidents on! oh no" moment like last night since i was a kid. I couldnt watch it when it came on later as I was knee deep into Heroes by then.

Not to keep floggin on DBT but while i was watching this clip NINE BULLETS came on.
My roomates guns got nine bullets,nine bullets in my roomates gun,my roomates guns nine bullets and I'm gonna find a use for ever last one.

Well if it was Ms. Fisher maybe I would. 70's bush or not. But I wont be doing like Carlin and taking a shot to the jaw for an extra 20 miles.

Well, you might be right here Shredder but my girlfriend likes Disturbed so…
Are they considered nu-metal anyway? They arent bad live except the lead singer called out a dude in the crowd for giving him the finger. He was all offended or something and wanted someone to kick the guys ass. Ah, the differences between

The new Replacements!
Did you just say Against Me are the new Replacements?! oHHHHH Shredder I hope Donatello sticks that staff so far up your ass you look like a ninjacicle. Then the other turtles show up and anally rape you with their weapons ala GWAR.

good idea,AJR. I have been too busy rueing my fate to actually think of a solution. That may work.
Hey Prowler, who is Jim Anchower and how does he apply to this situation? Is this some Onion/AVClub in joke I just dont get?

My favorite line
I'm a nympho not a slut, theres a difference.

A bus? Train? Not to be a smartass but this aint exactly a metropolitan area toad sage. Lex is 2 counties over from this shithole tiny town I live in. But that does remind me of an idea a couple of my friends and I had about running a bus from Lex to Cynthiana a few times a day.
Dont think it would go over though.Hell

totally off subject
I just found out Drive By Truckers are playing 35 miles away on Feb 24 and I have no way of getting there. I lost my job a few months back and couldnt keep up the payments on my truck with unemployment. Nobody else in this shitty town likes or has even heard of DBT so my chances of bumming a ride

My girlfriend still brings up the fact I made her watch that Sandler movie with the fucking piano. She fuckin hated that movie.

I imagine Giamatti's character probably does have fantasies about barely legal girls. Have you seen the way some of those teenage girls dress nowadays? Amirite?

Saw the Pixies play the tiny student center ballroom on the UK campus in 90 or 91. Maybe 92. Awesome. Found a harmonica on the floor after the show. And Kim doing GIGANTIC is fuckin incredible. Anybody else watch them on Austic City Limits?

I saw Faith No More on the tour for King for a DAy. It was a cool show but they acted like such dicks to the crowd. The bassist said "this is whats called a Mexican standoff"' 3 or 4 times during the show. I have no idea what he was refering to. The Patton made a big deal like they were doing everyone a favor by

I saw Echo on what I think was their last tour. It was supporting the album with Lips Like Sugar on it. The year had to be 89 or 90. Not bad, first concert I had ever been to so I cant really compare it to anything.