
Gieger made the cover for Frankenchrist? I thought that album had the pic of the Shriner on it.

Husker Du and that other Minny band
I about died when the pic of Husker Du appered at the top of the article. Never got a chance to see those guys as I didnt discover them until Warehouse and they broke up.
I also gotta cast my vote for their Land o Lakes brethren THe Replacements. A recent article in Spin has Tommy

Fiona is a complicated woman. As in some weeks I think she looks hot and other weeks I think she needs an Extra-value meal.
Maybe its my feelings for Fi that are complicated.

Thats the whole pic. I think. I dont remember having to crop it.

I thought Spike becoming a good guy did kinda work.

Really? a parallel for gay rights? Did I miss something? Which I may have done,I'm not kidding. But I started reading X-Men during the Clairemont years(mid-late 80s) and have kept up off and on ever since and never saw the gay right parallel. Of course I could be a big ol idjit from a small town with little to no

I dont understand all the Hiro/Ando hate. Without their silly jackassery this show would be dour as hell. I love Hiros power, its the writers fault they're too shitty to do anything original with it. I think most of my fellow commenters are mad because hiro is meant to represent us. The superhero, sci-fi,fantasy

I love at the end when he tells him, After this,we're done…professionaly.
That pause kills me, its like ,welllll, I'll never work with you again but we can still play raquetball on the weekends.

dude thats kinda fucked up

is it just me or is Bale so incredibly good lookin that he makes you wanna be gay for him?

dah nuh dah nuh
query: better than o'rileys? Does Bale have a point or is he just a spoiled actor primadonna?
oh well, this movie will probably bite.

Fleshlight statue? uhhh…

anybody know what Oscar was saying to Micheal during the roast?

Tyler Durden lives!

That and Beleckek's system of cheating.

I didnt get to play because the frikkin ice/snow/freezing rain storm knocked out power for 5 days here in KY

Show title
Alligator Arms

Teenage girls start sulking at 13, quit for a while when they get a boyfreind, start up again when boyfriend turns out to be a jerk who is only after 'one thing' and generally act like crazy people into their early 20's.
All a father can do is keep 'em off the pole.
And by pole I mean stripper pole you fuckers.

Ahh Flip This HOuse, the most insidious show on TV. Because in no way has the housing bubble burst. I wonder how many idiots watched that show, thought I can do that, and are now defaulting on a morgage for a busily decorated house nobody wants.

The best way to rid onesself of annoying celebrities? Ignore them. Stop watching E! Stop reading People and all the other celeb worshipping mags. Who gives a shit if Gwenyth suddenly thinks she's important. Name me a famous actor who DOESNT think they are gods gift to the world.